Can we all breathe a collective sigh of relief for Spring?
The emergence of flowers, buds, birds, sunlight, and color everywhere not only makes me want to be outside, but it makes me want to pull my camera out more often. I’ve definitely noticed a Winter camera hibernation of sorts. I just don’t feel inspired when the world is cold and drab.
After all of the phone pics I’ve been taking lately, are any of you amazed that I actually used my big camera more than once this week?

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
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heh where do you live? it’s still dead and cold where I live. spring is… not here for us :P
You totally rock, beautiful shots!!
At least spring has sprung somewhere! We had a few days of warm and the snow melted then it dumped about a foot of heavy wet snow! The ground is once again under a blanket of white! Enjoy a little spring for me!
Honestly, I would like to just be able to breathe at all. Spring is wonderful, but unfortunately not something I look forward to because it’s also allergy season. I am not able to enjoy being outside for too long. =(
Love all the photos you posted! Nice contrast on all of them. =)
Fantastic photo’s, great collection… Have a nice weekend :)
Clearly, I can’t read on Fridays!
It’s just starting here, too. The cars are only going to get more yellow here!
I do love my phone pics, but these pictures were definitely taken with my big camera. :)
And I hear you about the pollen. It’s just barely starting for me and will just keep getting worse for the next few months. Sad.
Wow. All these shots are so beautiful!
Your phone takes awesome pictures…okay, well, you take awesome pictures, but the resolution is great!
And, Spring. Love the temps, but man the pollen is killing me!
We have snow today, but I am slowly seeing lovely new signs of spring. Love these photos. My favorite is the pine cones!!
Spring is much more inspirational when it comes to taking pictures. Love your shots and the lighting.
I LOVE that last shot. So fun!!!
I love the depth of field in your first shot. beautiful.
We are moving past spring and into summer in this neck of the woods. Sigh.
I love the first photo…they are all lovely!
Gorgeous photos.
How I LOVE spring!
Amazing detail in those shots! I really need a new camera. :P
oh no! that means winter is just around the corner!!!
LOVE these shots and LOVE that spring is coming (although, it snowed here for the past 2 days. Boo!)
Is that one photo an old screw?
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Love these photos! The first made me laugh a little . My youngest, whom we call Lollie, by the way, loves pine cones. To get her to sit still for an outdoor photo shoot, we handed her a bunch of pine cones to hold onto.
Wonderfully beautiful shots, Lolli! I love every single one.
Isn’t it glorious!? LOVE that 1st capture.
These pictures are so pretty. We had snow on the ground 3 days this week so I haven’t found Spring yet : (
I am glad you have it though! It sure is lovely!