Believe it or not, I did not buy a king sized bed so that the whole family would have room to sleep in it together.
I also did not buy a king sized bed so that I could sleep on the couch.
I like my bed. It’s comfortable. Apparently, everyone else in the family agrees with me. Most mornings I wake up with a little 4 year old snuggled up between me and my husband.
Last night, when I headed to bed I found all three of my boys asleep in my bed. Twizzler on the left, AJ in the middle, and CandyMan on the right. IN MY SPOT. Using my pillows. If one of the boys had been sleeping in my spot, I might have moved him into his room to sleep.
If CandyMan had not already been snoring like a bear, I might have considered sleeping on his hard, less-comfortable side of the bed (we’ve got a sleep number bed and I’ve got my side set perfectly….).
But CandyMan WAS snoring.
I wish I could say that I stood my ground and got a good night’s sleep in my own, comfortable bed. But I didn’t. I slept on the couch.
When I woke up this morning, I wish I could say that I felt fully rested, that there were no kinks in my neck. Maybe if I hadn’t gone to “bed” so late or started out with a stiff neck, I’d be able to say that. But I didn’t. And I can’t.
I wish I could say that I went straight to bed, but I couldn’t resist reading on the couch. My favorite way to fall asleep is to get completely droopy-eyed while reading. Perfection!
And I wouldn’t be a true-blue blogger and tweeter and facebook-user if I didn’t start discussions about couch-sleeping EVERYWHERE before going to sleep on the couch.
And I didn’t spend all morning laughing at all of the comments and stories and sympathetic women who answered my pleas for support. (If you have ever suffered from snoring husband syndrome or been kicked out of your own bed, you’ve got to read all of these great comments!)
Disclaimer: I do sleep with a sound machine on, and ear plugs drive me crazy, so I can’t sleep with them. CandyMan has undergone significant sleep-testing, and he does not have sleep apnea. But he does have major sleep issues. That’s one reason why I hesitate to wake him up when he’s sleeping, since sleep is so rare and hard to come by for him.
So, tell me, do you ever sleep on the couch? Or are you stronger than me and kick everyone out so you can enjoy your own bed every night?
© 2010 – 2014, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
My husband not only snores, but he grinds his teeth too!! It drives me insane. But the only time he really snores is when he’s really really tired, so he doesn’t snore too often and when he does, usually a rub on his cheek quiets him and if that doesn’t work… well then, the kicking begins and eventually he’ll wake up and curl up to the other side of the bed.
You don’t mess with me and my sleep!! Haha.
.-= Marie´s last blog ..First day of school! =-.
My husband snores and I barely get sleep ’cause I spend the night shoving him around trying to get him to shut up. But he says he does the same to me. xD Iuno.
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..Fun Photography =-.
OMG!!! I can so relate to this! Although you definitely scored an absolutely adorable pic out of the experience.
This is why I own the most comfy couch on the planet. It’s important just for such occasions. (Never mind all the times I fall asleep sitting there with the laptop in my lap. It’s a regular occurrence.)
The bad part is when the cat comes to sleep on your bum and is just heavy enough to prevent you from being able to easily roll over. Don’t ask me how she does it, but it happens every time!
Terrific blog by the way. I just discovered it today and I’ve really enjoyed the read. *Smile*
I am the queen of my king bed ;) My husband has been banished to the guest room on a permanent basis. We used to take turns, but when we finished our addition 1 1/2 years ago – I couldn’t let him stay in my dream bedroom. I’m terrible, I know. Granted he does snore – LOUDLY – but I’m also the world’s lightest sleeper – even with an air purifier on at all times. I started to sleep in the guest room when I was pregnant with my first so that I could fall back asleep after getting up pee all night long and I’ve never found my way back.
.-= JulieBouf´s last blog ..What Would YOU Think? =-.
Yes, I have moved to the couch. And so has my husband. Especially since the newest guy was born. Sometimes, like you, I value any type of sleep over comfortable sleep.
Our days of bed sharing are done. It’s just the two of us in a king bed. But…I do sleep with ear plugs.
.-= Jules´s last blog ..You Know You’re From Wisconsin When….. =-.
They look so peaceful. My husband is a loud breather and it used to keep me up and him whenever I would kick him or poke him, or the time I glared at him with so much hatred that he woke up.
I was on ambien for years for my sleep issues and did spend many a night on the couch in the living room.
But honestly after staying home with both girls I think a frieght train could be wizzing past my head and I wouldn’t wake up. I’m soooooo tired every night!
Make him sleep with cotton balls up his nose.
Good luck!
Thanks! Sleeping kids are the cutest. It’s so easy to forget all of the ways they torture us while awake. ;)
Isn’t that the truth! my husband and I were talking this morning about the fact that none of our girls are very snuggly, but our boys love to get close. I don’t know how I’ll feel about my boys climbing in bed when they’re 15, though…
Sometimes it’s just not worth the fight. I sure wish I could take an afternoon nap at this point, though!
I’m glad you could get that problem fixed! I wish mine had an easy solution!
I can’t stand listening to snoring…even when I’m awake working on my computer or reading!
Isn’t it amazing how big of a difference not getting awakened every few minutes can make on the quality of sleep? ;)
I’ve definitely had to move out of my bed when I was pregnant and couldn’t get comfortable. I’m glad that’s not the problem anymore!
The kink in my neck has been there for weeks. Maybe I need to find out what ear plugs you use and get some for myself! Hey–add them to the “My favorite things” widget on my sidebar and then everyone can see what they are!
It’s a Mommy thing, I think! We always make sure everyone else is comfortable before us. :)
Love it, love it! How cute is that. I totally let my girls fall asleep in our bed. I used to be pretty strict against it but it just became so stinkin cute I couldn’t help myself! Your photos are amazing :)
.-= Lindsey´s last blog ..Hey, Hey, It’s a Snow Day! =-.
I NEVER let my kids sleep in my bed when they were litte. Now, I’m begging them to come and cuddle. They are too big and old and hairy and smelly. Darn it!
I love the pic. They all look so sweet.
I have a little present for you over at my place!
.-= Gina @ My Own Brand of Crazy´s last blog .. =-.
I am very serious about my bed and my sleep but I think that if I had stumble upon that scene, I too would have headed for the couch.
.-= Jen @ buried with children´s last blog ..Distracted Mommy + Two Year Old Triplets = Much Mischief =-.
Very funny. My husband actually does have sleep apnea and lucky for me he loves his CPAP that he named “Charlie” It has helped our relationship tremendously in fact the first two weeks we were married I told him if he didn’t do something about it we would not be married anymore. haha…. Luckily he wanted to stay married.
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..Music Monday =-.
I do sleep on the couch but that’s because my husband snores!
Last night I abandoned my bed for the first time in I don’t know how long in favor of the couch because hubby was snoring horribly (!!!!) and my baby-who normally sleeps through the night- was waking up every hour at least. I slept so much better once I was downstairs on the couch!
I’ve done it, but not very often. My kiddos aren’t the problem, and often it’s if I absolutely can’t get comfortable. Like when I had a horrible headache, or when I was hugely pregnant.
.-= Krystyn´s last blog ..Mommy and Me Monday-The first edition-LINK UP! =-.
I commented on your BF and suggested the ear plugs. It took me a while to find the best ones that I don’t even feel.
You are a funny mommy but a smart one to pick her battles. I wouldn’t have fought this one either. If not for anything else, it was a fun one for you to share just to find out you aren’t the only one with similar whoa-begone snoring tales.
I hope you get the kink out of your neck today! Have a great week!
.-= GrammieMommy´s last blog ..Spring Teaser =-.
I always end up on the couch and we have a queen bed. My little girls are the only ones so far coming in, but we have had our son. dh always sleeps in the bed.