I have a confession. I got home from my youngest son’s Blue and Gold banquet about 2 1/2 hours ago, and the goal was to come straight up to my computer to get this post ready. But I have become completely distracted by a photo of a dress that most of you have probably seen by now. My daughter showed me the dress tonight at the Blue and Gold Banquet. She asked me what colors I saw.
Blue and faded black, I said.
She ran away, with a crazy look on her face and no explanation for me. She proceeded to ask EVERYONE what colors they saw. White and Gold. I kept hearing it. I was convinced that all of these people were trying to trick me, that there was some weird conspiracy to get those of us not in on the joke to change our minds about what we saw.
I could not be convinced, and I still can’t be convinced. As many times as I’ve seen the photo, and as many times as I’ve tried to squint and cross my eyes to see a different effect, the result is the same for me.
The dress is unmistakably blue and black. (By the way, the real dress IS, in fact, blue and black, in case anyone is wondering). I don’t understand it. I don’t know why this has caused such a controversy on and offline tonight. But it’s time to move on, don’t you think?
This week brought us LOTS of snow. And more snow. My youngest, AJ, was thrilled for our big storm on Saturday and used the opportunity to build an amazing snow cave behind our house. His big brother, T, built a mountain of snow just a short distance away. They were cold, wet….and happy. I stayed inside and baked and made soaps and lotions.
All photos were taken with my Nokia Lumia 830 Windows Phone, which I am currently reviewing (the pics are not edited!). I got the phone for free, and each week I’m doing different challenges on Twitter. Follow the hashtag #LumiaSwitch to see the conversation.

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
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YES!! The kids were home yet again today. That’s another 4 day weekend. And we’re supposed to get more snow Wednesday, too! It’s insane!
Your son looks like he is having a great time! We are supposed to get another 8-10″ this week. I am SO done with snow already.
It was a LOT…and all in one day (followed by a few more days that brought more snow).
I say if you’re going to have cold weather and snow you might as well have enough to enjoy some snowmen or sledding. :)
I also saw the dress that was posted everywhere last night. The dress kept changing colors on me! My kids have enjoyed the snow so much this year! We finally had enough for them to actually sled on! Your pictures look great!
My, look at all that snow!! Wow.