Noodle decided to sign up for softball this year on a city league. Her team is full of great girls (half of them are also in her girl scout troop) and her coaches are so nice. It’s been a very fun experience so far (we’re only 2 1/2 weeks into the season).
On Saturday, Noodle was supposed to have her team photos taken. We were running a little late (Friday was a late night and Peanut Butter was working on Saturday) and then minutes before we were supposed to leave, Apple had a VERY messy accident on the carpet. I couldn’t leave it for 3 hours, so I cleaned it up instead of leaving on time. Well, not only were we running late, but then I got lost trying a “quicker” route to the location of the pictures. Basically, after 30 minutes of sweating, stressing, and a little bit of screaming in the car, we finally made it…just in time for the game to start. We completely missed the team photos. Poor girl! I tried to kinda make it up to her by taking some individual shots after her game. I think this is my favorite: (My second fav is at the end of the post) During this week’s game, Apple picked dozens of dandelions. Not only is he a talented ant exterminator, but he is turning out to be a good gardener. :) I love the look of shock on his face. Not sure what that’s about!

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