With me as their mother, it’s not a surprise that my kids are not star athletes. However, they have each tried a few sports – from soccer to football to swim/dive to basketball to track. And they are naturally active like kids should be.
Add in a few injuries and pre-dispositions (a broken or a sprained ankle here, a painful foot condition there…) and we are often pulling out the ankle braces or wraps. Seriously, you’d be amazed at how often I am wrapping ankles around here.
DID YOU KNOW? Each year, more than 3.5 million children under age 14 receive medical treatment for sports-related injuries, with strains and sprains among the most common complaints.
And then there’s me, but let’s not even get into MY foot and ankle issues…
I get several packages around here, and always experience a varying level of excitement from my family members when I open up a box. On Wednesday evening, a small package arrived and my daughter #2 (Necco) saw the contents first – SAFESKIN® Kids Sport Wrap. Normally, I wouldn’t think that sports wraps would be that exciting, but she immediately “claimed” them. Necco is one of my kids with an existing foot condition called Severs Disease, and I often see her wrapping her feet after playing sports or hiking.
I even caught Necco playing with the sports wraps this morning before school…

She asked if she could wear them to school. I let her. And since they can be wrapped and re-wrapped (and are self-adhesive) she was able to get attention all day long with her fake injuries. Oh, the life and joys of a 7th grader.
DID YOU KNOW? April is National Youth Sports Safety Month
In all seriousness, though, bandages and wraps are crucial for sports season (or clumsy season, which is year-round in my house). I wrap my right ankle regularly because of recurring swelling and pain (yes, I am falling apart.)
About SAFESKIN® Kids Sport Wrap:
- SAFESKIN® Kids Sport Wrap is a great option for on-the-go sports moms’ first aid kits – it’s self adhesive, water resistant, reusable, latex free and does not need clips or pins to secure it in place.
- SAFESKIN® Kids Sport Wrap is the first colored sports wrap designed specifically for children and teens and is available in red and blue.
- SAFESKIN® Kids Sport Wrap is excellent for first aid applications like securing bandages or splints and protecting and cushioning wounds.*
- SAFESKIN® Kids Sport Wrap offers kids the superior support needed to get back in the game with bright, fun colors that highlight team spirit and self-expression – not the boring, dull beige wraps adults use.
- SAFESKIN® Kids Sport Wrap can be purchased at Walmart for $3.94
We took the Safeskin Sports Wrap challenge. What will YOU be using them for this season?
Enter the SAFESKIN $100 Walmart gift card Giveaway!
I am giving away a $100 Walmart Giftcard (that means you can get a sports wrap for everyone in the family and still have a ton left over to buy something fun!). The giveaway will end on May 3, so hurry and get all your entries in. Winner will be announced on the blog and emailed for confirmation and mailing address. Enter on the Rafflecopter form below (it will load, I promise. Just go get a drink of water and come back and it will be ready for ya!).
Don’t miss the Printable SAFESKIN coupon for 50 cents off the product
Disclosure: I received compensation from Kimberly-Clark Professional in the form of a gift card to participate in this campaign promoting the Sport Some Color SAFESKIN Kids Sport Wrap Challenge. The winner of this giveaway will be randomly chosen. In addition, Kimberly-Clark Professional provided the giveaway gift card. All thoughts, opinions, and weak ankles are my own.
© 2012, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
My 2-year-old daughter is fond of putting bandaids on me when SHE has an owie. She’s seen me use the sports wrap from when I had foot surgery, so she would probably enjoy re-enacting that as well.
wrap it around ankle or wrist, or wrap it as a pattern up the calf
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
my son could use this while he is running around in the backyard like a wild man!
Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
My son could use it for his Halloween costume. Thinking ahead!
for my son Andrew-when he plays basketball he has a tendancy to sprain something thanks
my son will use it when he plays football!
i would bring them to the park with me cause i have a kid that takes after me and has fallen backwards off the jungle gym before
My daughter would love to use it to wrap her leg or just use it to as a jump rope, :)
Would have my son use it for when he plays football!
My daughter would use this for sports.
My son can use it when he plays sport
I would use it for myself to support my knee when I workout and for my daughter whenever the need arises, I am sure she would fake an injury just to try it out
my daughter plays volleyball and would use for her wrist and her knees to give support for bending to hit the ball and to hit the ball with her fist
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
my grandson would need this he not into sports , but he runs and jumps off of high area,i tell him hes gonna break his legs from so much jumping off stuff, but i hope he never breaks anything
sherrya1210 at yahoo dot com
my kids love to play and act like they are sick- i would bandage them up and then send them to daycare and let them fake them out and save some for emergencies
tcogbill at live dot com
my grandsons would love to pretend to be nijas with this.
I think they would be useful to support the ankles or knees when the kids going roller skating, espeacially in the rink
Oh this would be a little miracle item for our family! My son plays ball. And…for whatever reason…..has always felt that his time is spent best on the ground. Haha…sliding…..or jumping sideways to catch balls….and always comes home with skinned up knees, hips, elbows…knees….ugh! This would be great for him to use to help protect his skin!
I had juvenile arthritis when I was young, and this stuff has been helping me tremendously. Great for my ankles.
Wrap my ankles when walking or hiking. They always need extra support!
I would use it on my kids when they get hurt
I would use it when my son plays sports.
Actually I would give it to my cousin for her grandkids
I would use it around my ankles when I work out.
I would use these while exercising. My ankles would really appreciate the extra support.
DDs play soccer, these would be very handy.
My 14yo son and my 16yo daughter play sports, so I’m certain this would come in handy! Thanks for the giveaway.
For my daughter’s soccer injuries!
soluckyducky at gmail dot com
I would use this when I workout on the treadmill.
i would use it wrap my ankle
I would like to keep SAFESKIN to have on hand to wrap any sprains we may get.
wendym at cableone dot net
My grand daughter loves to play doctor!
I’ll let her fix my ouchies.
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
would probably use them when my son gets a boo-boo since he doesn’t play any type of sports or anything. thank you!
i would make hairbows!
I have a friend on dialysis and he’s use it to wrap his arm after treatment.
I would use it to wrap my sons ankles during soccer practice.
i would use it for all my little ones ouchies..
I’d put tiny pieces of it inside my high heels to make them more comfortable.
i would use it for all my little ones ouchies!
i would use it on my wrist since i have a bit of carpal tunnel
I’d use it on my knees when I play basketball.
I’d use it on my son’s knees….he’s always scraping them.
i would use it for my wrists while typing on the computer!
I’d use it fr wrapping a birthday present
i would use them for any sports related injuries! Thanks for a super giveaway!
I would use this for my wife. She has a bad wrist, and could use it! I could also use it to tie my kids to my belt when we go to amusement parks…..haha…JK
I have 2 young sons, so I’d definitely keep these around for any future injuries that may arise
I’d use it on my hand,I keep hurting it somehow!