Last week, I had the opportunity to sit down with Freddie Prinze Jr., who voices the character Kanan Jarrus in the new Disney XD series Star Wars Rebels, along with Executive Producer Dave Filoni. This interview was part of the #DisneyInHomeEvent and #VeryBadDayEvent press trip. Though travel and accommodations were covered by Disney, all thoughts and opinions are my own. All photos in this post are courtesy of Disney.
The Star Wars name is one of those names that carries with it a huge legacy. That legacy carries with it both good and bad aspects – good because there is an established, loyal, enthusiastic, devoted fan base eager for more of what they love. And bad because there is such a responsibility to get it right. Executive Producer Dave Filoni said that as they were wrapping up Clone Wars, and with the big Disney purchase, it just felt like time for a change.
“We wanted to come up with something new that represented this kind of new era of Star Wars and working with Lucas Films Story team, we all quickly came up with the idea of Star Wars Rebels. The Story Team introduced the idea to make an A-Team-like scenario and it just made sense.”
He went on to say that he has a special place in his heart for Lucas Films that stems back to his childhood, and he realizes that many others do as well. It was important to him to preserve that same feeling in this new Star Wars Rebels series. “It was something that was very special to us as kids growing up, when we could see that logo at the beginning of a story, we would go this is gonna be different, you know, this is gonna give you the special feeling. I can’t really put it into words. It was hopeful, it was exciting. You saw things you’d never seen before on screen and so we’re all about trying to continue that legacy now.”
After watching the movie that introduces the series {Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion airs on the Disney Channel tonight, 10/3 at 9pm ET, before the series begins 10/13 on Disney XD} I was convinced that they got that feeling spot on. Although it’s an animated series that is ideal for kids, the show has the same tone and wit as the original Lucas movies that we grew up with and will appeal to adults as much as kids.
Strong female characters in Star Wars Rebels
One of the things that stood out to me in our interview with Freddie and Dave was that the topic of strong female characters kept coming up, and I think that their observation in the beginning was exactly what they have accomplished. Instead of making female characters that were strong, solid role models, they made characters that were strong, solid role models that happened to be girls. It’s a subtle difference, but I think boys and girls alike will appreciate that.
Executive Producer Dave Filoni said, “So when we direct Hera (added: Hera is the female Twi’lek who owns and pilots the Ghost), I say, I want you to say and be and do any of the lines we would have given Hans Solo. I don’t want you to change them in any way. I want this character as a being that would react like Clint Eastwood when he got shot.”
Dave went on to say, “There’s a fascination in the press that seems to think that it’s a recent thing that girls like Star Wars. My Designer at ABC, she liked Star Wars as a little girl. It’s just been ignored.”
Freddie Prinze Jr. piped in then and added, “And just because Leah is in a dress, don’t trip. She’s tougher than the guys in all 3 movies. So I mean a dress doesn’t– You all are in dresses. I’m sure some of you can move on us. (Strong female leads) existed in the Star Wars world long, long ago.”
Dave went on to say, “It’s got to be more about your spirit, your integrity, your emotions as a character than anything superficial so that’s what we try to work with.”
Freddie Prinze Jr on his character, Jedi Kanan Jarrus
I didn’t realize at first that Freddie’s character, Kanan, was a Jedi, because he keeps it quiet in the beginning of the series. In fact, he keeps his lightsaber hidden away and uses a blaster instead to avoid the attention of the Empire.
Freddie Prinze Jr. said, “He’s not the normal Jedi. He’s not together. He doesn’t have it all figured out. He has maybe 3 answers. You’ll literally see him sort of B.S. Ezra on (things) like Master Yoda would say, There is no try, there’s only do. Where as Kanan will be like, Give me your best shot. He makes mistakes because he was young and he didn’t get to complete his training in the way that an Anakin or the way that Luke could.”
“He’s not the Master that Ezra (as a kid) sees. You know, growing up without a Father like Ezra (did), you put certain men in your life on a pedestal. And they become something special and spiritual and powerful. And it’s not fair to do to them because they’re just men, right? They’re gonna have mistakes, they’re gonna get sick, they’re gonna do whatever it is they do that’s gonna destroy that image you have and make you angry at them, even though you projected that on them. You can see Kanan kind of resist, and you can see him get sucked in because the way Taylor plays Ezra…he may be a smart alleck but he knows how to show you vulnerability and that’s what kind of gets me.”
On the unusual recording style of Star Wars Rebels

STAR WARS REBELS – Recording session. (DISNEY XD/Rick Rowell)
Typically, voice-over actors will record their parts in a recording studio alone, with nobody else in the booth to interact with while they record their lines. Interestingly, the cast of Star Wars Rebels reads and records the script in a large recording studio together, which adds to the feeling of camaraderie and gives the show a special touch that is noticeable. I loved hearing how each actor has taken on the role or personality of their character in their interactions together. For instance, Freddie acts as a mentor, and actress Vanessa Marshall, who plays the pilot Hera, acts as the mother of the group.
Freddie Prinze Jr. says, “We read together…like we’re in the room at the same time. It’s a very collaborative process. It’s very Breakfast Clubby, you know what I mean. We do everything in order. They shot that movie (added: referring to the introductory movie airing 10/3 on the Disney Channel) like a play basically. The scenes in the beginning and end were the only things they shot out of order. The rest of that movie was all together and that’s kind of how we record.”
See Star Wars Rebels…and join the rebellion!
Are you ready to join the rebellion? I loved the introductory movie, Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, as well as the first episode of the series, and can’t wait to see more. Be sure to tune in to the Disney Channel tonight, October 3 at 9pm ET and then again on October 13 9pm ET on Disney XD for the series to officially launch. And in case you haven’t heard….Disney believes in this series so much that they announced yesterday that they are renewing Star Wars Rebels for a second season…before the first season even begins. This is going to be big, folks!
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Oh Freddie how I crushed on you at 13! I love how him and Sarah Michelle Geller are still going strong.