This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the post to see how you can win free Invisalign treatment in the Invisalign Teen Giveaway!
Sometime in the next year, we’ve got to get my 2nd daughter, Necco, started on an orthodontic plan. My oldest daughter, KitKat, was about Necco’s age when she got Invisalign. The transformation that we watched take place was astounding.
When we’ve been considering what to do for Necco’s braces, our thoughts have immediately gone to Invisalign Teen because of our fantastic experience with it the first time.
When KitKat got her first Invisalign aligners, she found that a lot of her friends didn’t know anything about Invisalign. How does it work? Do the aligners hurt? How long do you have to wear them?
While KitKat had her Invisalign braces and since she finished treatment, we have had the opportunity to set many Invisalign myths to rest. Here are a few of the questions/myths that we ran into most often:
Common Invisalign Myths –> Setting It Straight
Myth: Invisalign can only treat minor or cosmetic issues.
Setting it Straight: Invisalign effectively treats a wide variety of orthodontic issues including severe bite issues. From underbite to crossbite, deepbite to overbite and overly crowded to widely spaced, advancements to Invisalign’s patented technology continues to increase the complexity of issues that can be treated. KitKat’s main issue was some adult teeth that did not come in at the right place, thanks to stubborn baby teeth that refused to let go. Invisalign handled her problems beautifully.
Myth: I won’t be able to tell if my child is wearing Invisalign often enough for it to be effective.
Setting it Straight: Invisalign Teen aligners are made with small blue dots, called compliance indicators, that gradually fade as aligners are worn. It’s a quick visual check for parents and teens to confirm they wearing aligners long enough to get results. I was impressed with how easy it was for KitKat to keep her aligners in for the recommended time. She also mentioned that her aligners motivated her not to snack as often!
Myth: If my child loses their aligners, it’s going to cost me an arm and a leg to replace.
Setting it Straight: We know kids lose things, even their aligners! That’s why you get up to six FREE replacement aligners with Invisalign Teen. Over the time that KitKat was receiving her Invisalign treatment, she only had to take advantage of the replacement aligners twice. It was definitely nice not to have to stress about it!
Myth: After Invisalign Teen, my child’s teeth may revert back to their original position.
Setting it Straight: Studies show that without retainers straight teeth can gradually shift back towards their initial position. This is a common occurrence with all orthodontic treatment including braces, but is one that can easily be overcome. KitKat continues to wear a retainer at night, just like her friends with metal braces are doing.
Myth: I don’t need to take my child to see an orthodontist until they are a teenager.
Setting it Straight: The American Association of Orthodontics recommends taking children for their first orthodontic check-up no later than age 7. The American Dental Association says this is because, “Your child’s dentist can spot problems with emerging teeth and jaw growth early on, while the primary teeth are present.” In KitKat’s case, we could have avoided some of her NEED for braces simply by taking some preventative measures when she was younger (like getting stubborn baby teeth pulled).
Myth: Invisalign takes longer to complete than braces.
Setting it Straight: The length of Invisalign treatment is comparable to braces. The average Invisalign journey averages about 12 months for adults. The length of treatment time for teens may vary depending on the severity of the case and can only be determined by a doctor. KitKat’s treatment was a year and a half – shorter than one of her best friends who had traditional braces.
Myth: Braces work better than Invisalign.
Setting it Straight: Invisalign Teen was developed with leading orthodontists to correct the most common teeth straightening issues – from severe cases to more minor, cosmetic adjustments. Invisalign Teen’s clear aligners are removable and can straighten teeth without a mouth full of metal and all the disruption and sacrifice that comes with it. With Invisalign, teens look better and feel more confident than they ever could in traditional braces.
Myth: We can’t afford Invisalign.
Setting it Straight: Invisalign Teen is covered by many dental insurance policies just like traditional braces — up to 50% of the cost may be covered by insurance. Even if dental insurance doesn’t apply, many doctors will help parents find options to make straightening their child’s teeth more affordable. Many offer flexible and affordable monthly finance plans that can be as low as $99 per month.
Myth: Braces are a rite of passage.
Setting it Straight: Virtually invisible aligners, mean there is less social awkwardness to impact teen’s confidence and self-esteem during an already vulnerable time. There’s no need for teens to hold back or feel they’re missing out on anything when straightening their teeth with Invisalign. KitKat loved having less-noticable braces. Most people didn’t even know she had anything on her teeth!
Straight Talk on Straightening Your Teen’s Teeth:
Note: Not all orthodontists specialize in Invisalign Teen. Visit and select “find a doctor” to locate experienced Invisalign and Invisalign Teen doctors in your area.
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Wow, the before and after are amazing. Wish they were available when I was growing up