Wait. Christmas carolers in DC…in September?
My friend Safire and I had heard that the new Christmas Carol Train tour was stopping by Union Station this week. So we spontaneously packed up our kids (4 kids 4 and under), declared that this week was “T” week for our preschool, climbed on the metro, and headed to DC for the day.
AJ loved the metro ride. He stayed still for the entire 45 minute ride. Watching Mom’s iPod is a big treat.
Safire’s twins were great sports on the trip as well. Safire’s making sure I don’t get rusty on my traveling-with-baby skills. :) It’s amazing how quickly you forget.
Once we got to Union Station, I was thrilled to see the Obamas! Who would have thought that they’d be hanging out at the train station. Without a crowd! Michelle was very excited to see me. Apparently, she’s a loyal blog reader.
Right after this picture was taken, we avoided national catastrophe when I rescued the President from accident. AJ was feeling a little restless at that point and decided that he’d try to hide behind the Obamas. Let’s just say that the President and First Lady were not feeling very steady on their feet, and he almost did a face plant right there in the middle of Union Station.
Slightly embarrassed, we moved on to the train tour. Inside, we were able to see how the new 3-D animated movie was made. A lot goes into making a movie like this.
The crazy people with black dots on their faces were AJ’s favorite part.
The last car smelled like a Christmas feast. My stomach started to grumble for lunch.
We headed outside and back to the station for lunch….under the snow machine.
Ahh! Everything is better after a good meal.
After lunch, despite the fact that we were running late, we stopped in the theater to watch a sneak peek of the movie. Just FYI–Jacob Marley is much more intimidating in 3-D.
It took me nearly 2 hours to get home (not sure how that happened) and before I had even reached the house, CandyMan called me in to work at the office. Thank goodness I had put dinner in the crock pot earlier that morning.
I am not used to being out of the house for 10 hours at a time. Yesterday wore me out. But it was worth it.

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