The other day, I posted this quote on my Facebook page:
I loved the idea of the quote, even though I never had a snow day growing up in California. I imagine I would have loved snow days for the same reason I love them now – the chance to sleep in and stay in comfy, warm clothes all day. We have had 5 of those sleep-in, comfy-clothes days in a row, with the MLK JR holiday weekend, a teacher work day to compute grades, and a snow day all piled on top of each other. The break has felt longer than Winter Vacation, I swear. We certainly had more snow and colder temps in the last few days than we did during Winter Break.
I’ll skip playing in the snow (otherwise known as freezing my fingers and toes off) and stay in the warm house, thank you very much. In the time that it took me to take these pictures of AJ building his snow fort, I became very uncomfortable, to say the least. I don’t understand the draw of playing outside on days like this…
Funny thing about these pictures…just a few minutes after taking all of these happy, productive shots, the neighbor boy (who was just outside of the frame in all of these pictures) kicked a side of the fort in. AJ didn’t take it well. After throwing quite a tantrum (not pleasant for me to deal with while managing the snow, the uncomfortable cold and the camera around my neck) he finally made it inside, where he spread snow through the kitchen and all the way down to the basement.
But the pictures only capture the happy part. Pictures are funny that way.
What photos have you taken this week? Please share on this week’s linky.

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
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To be a kid again! As a kid we always were playing in the snow and it didnt phase us a bit. Now, you wouldnt catch out in it lol. so sad the neighbor boy messed up his fun.
That’s what happens when there’s no fence in the backyard. lol
What a great idea to use a bin to make snow bricks! Sorry they didn’t last longer…
Well, that certainly wasn’t kind of the neighbor boy :-( You’re supposed to let the for get finished, then have a epic snowball battle and then, destroy the fort…poor kid has it all wrong and missed all the fun.
I love playing in the snow but only because I live in FL and if I happen to be somewhere where there is snow it’s a treat :-)
It looks like a great fun
(such neighbor boys are everywhere – sigh)
You probably don’t get the draw because you never experienced snow through a child’s eyes. There’s just something about it….
That being said, while your photos make me all nostalgic, we have moved away from the snow, and while I am happy to visit it once a year (read: and only once per year, LOL) I’m thankful not to have to be in the cold that much, or drive in it!
That looks like perfect snow fort snow! I’m sure my kids would have reacted in the same way if they had their fort kicked in. Stinkin’ snow kickin’ neighbor kid! (:
I don’t think I like that neighbor boy!