Thanks to Participant Media for sponsoring this post and for the opportunity to acknowledge the importance of teachers in our children’s lives. All thoughts are my own.
I love this quote about influential and inspiring teachers:
When I was in Mrs. Smith’s 5th and 6th grade class, I thought that she was the meanest, hardest teacher in the world.
It wasn’t until I was in a high school English class in another school district that it dawned on me that Mrs. Smith had shaped me. She stretched me, encouraged me, helped me believe in myself like no other teacher I’d ever had….or ever would have.
Although I thought that those 2 years in Mrs. Smith’s class were torture, I never doubted two things: that Mrs. Smith cared about her students and that she believed in us.
Have you had a “Mrs. Smith” teacher in your life – someone who shaped and stretched and made you who you are today? Have your kids had a life-changing, inspiring teacher in their schooling experience?
What does it take to be a great teacher?
Do you know that it is estimated that within the next ten years, 65% of America’s teachers will retire? As one who holds a teaching degree, I have always placed a high value on good teachers. The impact of teachers in the lives of our children is often a game-changer.
My kids have been fortunate to have had many extraordinary teachers over the years – teachers who have helped them discover their strengths, encouraged them to try a little harder and – sometimes most importantly – believed in them when others wanted to tear them down. Dozens of good teachers have lifted my kids up, just like the teachers in this new documentary, TEACH, have for their students.
About TEACH:
“TEACH, Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim’s third documentary film about education in America asks the question: What Does It Take to Be A Great Teacher Today?
Following four dedicated teachers from different schools across the country over the course of one school year, TEACH gives viewers a window into the challenges, demands and rewards of teaching, with the purpose of elevating and promoting the profession, as well as engaging new teachers and supporting current teachers. We see that for the best teachers, it’s not just a job but a mission.As intense as it is emotional, this year in the life of four public-school teachers illustrates how tenacity, passion and a belief in innovation drive these educators as they navigate the daily ups and downs of the 2012-2013 school year. These educators use conventional and unconventional methods and do whatever it takes to overcome obstacles and strive for success.”
Check out the TEACH documentary trailer (this literally made me tear up as I watched it earlier) and then let me know how teachers have influenced YOUR life and the lives of your children. I’d love to hear your stories!
When and where to see TEACH:
TEACH will debut on the CBS Television Network on September 6th at 8:00 pm ET/PT during a two hour special television event presented by Participant Media. If you miss the September 6th TEACH air date, it will also air on the new network, Pivot, on September 14th at 8:00 pm ET/PT.
© 2013, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Tell your husband thank you for what he does!!
Love that quote! Thanks for sharing.
My husband is a teacher – I can’t wait to see the movie!
I love that! I think sometimes it takes taking a step back for us to recognize the impact those teachers have on us. I wonder which of my kids’ teachers will do that for them.
I hope you can catch it! I was wondering/hoping if they’d show it on the CBS iPad app. :)
This sounds like such a great documentary – I shall have to keep an eye out and see if they show it over here :) x
You know, I keep hearing about this documentary and had no clue what it was about, so thank you… And yes, I had that teacher I thought was so mean, but I actually had a sit-down with him one afternoon to go over a test and realized he was always on top of my papers and grades because he thought I was so smart and knew I could do better… I didn’t know it, but he did and that made ME want to do better… :)
Teachers make such a huge impact and deserve recognitions for that. I still remember every great teacher that I had!