Brandie from the Rudy Family Rukus is a mom of 3 (you’ve GOT to check out the gorgeous pictures of her family), a fantastic blogger, nurse, and scrap-booker. She’s also a genuine, friendly person. She shared this video with her readers last weekend, and was kind enough to re-post it here for me here while we are away.
© 2009, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Brandi / Lolli this was wonderful, thank you for the reminder!
Happy New Year to everyone!
ohhhh this made me cry.. we’ve had a very hard year with deaths close in our family and alot of financial and other hardships.. .. Thank YOU
Thanks for letting me guest post on your blog while we were both out of town!! I love blogging!
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
that was prefect. brought tears to my eyes.
.-= Jen @ buried with children´s last blog ..Traditions =-.
Awww I LOVE it!!!
.-= CFMama´s last blog good company =-.