It’s a funny phenomenon….I’ve always been terribly shy. I was always the one to opt to read a book alone at home rather than go to a party or be around big groups of people.
Somehow blogging changed all of that for me, and I no longer find myself wanting to hide inside my shell. Rather, I am leaping, both feet, into the middle of the social madness.
I have made some wonderful friends through blogging, both online and at events that I have attended over the past few years. This past weekend, while I was in Santa Monica to see preview the movie Mirror Mirror, I was able to connect with three of my favorite online friends, Candice from Fashionably Organized, Dwan from MommaDJane, and Caryn from RockinMama. We had so much fun together!

I figured I’d throw one of the pictures I had taken with Lily Collins, the actress who plays Snow White in Mirror Mirror (which is coming March 30 – a must-see movie!). She was so down to earth and friendly that she completely fit in with all of the bloggers (granted, we were a *little* bit older than Lily…).

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
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How fun! Great shots.
I’m a teacher, so I’m always on the stage. I’ve learned, over the years, how to separate my private, less social, self from the one who needs to be constantly “on” in the classroom. I, too, have found another platform through blogging!
How cool! I am finally attending Blogher 12 this August and I can’t wait to meet my blogging friends in real life.
How was the film? Did you like it?
It’s so cool that you managed to hang out with your blogging pals. You look great in the pictures.
Looks like a great day. Love that blogging brought you out of your shell, your light is bright and should shine everywhere!
It’s so awesome that blogging has brought you out of your original comfort zone and you’ve discovered a new you!
Yay for blogging friends.