The Ultimate Blog Party is a yearly event put on by the fabulous ladies at 5 Minutes For Mom and it’s all about meeting people and getting your blog noticed. Since I just recently re-wrote my About Me page, I am going to point you all there, and leave you with a short and sweet post.
I’m Lolli and I like candy….So much so that I gave all of my kids candy nicknames and designed my blog around a candy theme. I also like to take pictures. A lot. In addition to parenting stories, advice, and funnies, you can also count on me for plenty of family-friendly giveaways.
I host a meme every Friday called Give Me Your Best Shot. Every Friday, I give my blogging friends the chance to show off their favorite photo from the week. It doesn’t have to be a work of art–It’s just a fun time to link up and see what has been happening in our lives. Join me and the Linky this weekend and give me your best shot!
Starting January 2010, my friend, Manic Mother and I have teamed up to provide photography tutorials and challenges. Check out Bloggography every Tuesday!
I love new followers, subscribers, stalkers, commenters, and tweeps (I’m @1momof5 on twitter)
You can also find me on Facebook:
My personal page:
My Better in Bulk fan page:
Better in Bulk on NetworkedBlogs:
Yeah, I’m kind of everywhere. Let’s PARTY.
By the way, did you know that there are prizes involved in the UBP10??
Here’s a peak at a few of my favorites (what I really, really want is an Amazon gift card to go towards my new iTouch. I’m so close!!):
1- USC 8 – $55 E-Gift Card for Gift code will be emailed to the winner and can be used for purchases from
Provided by: Kelly’s Lucky You
2- 112 – $50 Amazon Gift card
Provided by: Robyn ~ Our Homeschool Home
3- 52 – A $25 GC to
Provided by: The Product Review Place
Or any of these: USC 35, 31, USC 17 , 11, USC 3, USC 15 , 95, 104
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Sorry I’m responding to this so late. Don’t you hate it when someone looks familiar but you can’t place where you know them? The truth is, you looks familiar to me, too. Maybe we should chat and see if our paths have indeed crossed before!
Hope you had fun at the Ultimate Blog Party! I know its over but I’m still partying and visiting some new blogs! :)
Jenni (“Miss Tutu”)
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog – hope you will stop by, say hi, and grab a free tutu making lesson! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest
I’m your new follower from UBP10! Visit me at and sign up for my giveaways!
Lolli, you look so familiar and I’m making myself crazy trying to figure it out! Nevertheless, we’ve both found each other and I’m SO THRILLED!
Thanks for leaving a sweet comment on my UBP post. Blessings to you and your sweet family. Let’s keep in touch!
Blogging the Adventures of Parenting Quadruplets at
.-= QuatroMama´s last blog ..Secrets. (Giveaway) =-.
Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, Mother of Pearl It Is! I love that you have ‘candy’ names for your family. LOL Too cute! I’m following you with both of my blogs now….would love for you to follow back! :)
Tree (aka Mother of Pearl)
Mother of Pearl It Is
Mommies Faves Top Sites and Blogs
P.S. I would love to invite you to join our new community network for moms…Mommies Faves Mom Bloggers Network. Hope to see you there soon!
.-= Tree´s last blog ..Sunday Linky Love =-.
Glad you joined the party! Have a wonderful day!
.-= Cascia @ Healthy Moms´s last blog ..Clarisonic- Skincare Must Have =-.
P.S. I’m one of five kids, so I can imagine what your life is like! Brave woman you are! I’m hoping for four, but I’m still working on two and three with my husband. :) He’s an only child, so I’m just hoping for three!
.-= christine´s last blog ..Guidecraft Puppy Pull Along Review and Giveaway =-.
I LOVE candy! Skittles are my all time fav! Coming over for the party :) Nice to meet ya! I follow on twitter and now on here! Here’ my blog if you’d like to check it out. Be warned, it’s pretty new! Follow if you’d like too! I look forward to getting to know you more!
.-= christine´s last blog ..Guidecraft Puppy Pull Along Review and Giveaway =-.
Hi there. Dropping by to toss confetti, pull up a virtual chair and party with you. Let’s have some fun!
I’ve got my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post up at Dayngrous Discourse. Plus, I’ve got my first giveaway too. I hope you’ll surf on over and say hello.
It’s you’re the tweetin’ kind, I’m @Dayngr on twitter.
I’m so thankful for the ubp! I’m glad you found me and look forward to getting to know you more. :)
Thanks so much for stopping by! Way to go on getting your MA in Ministry! Congrats. I can’t wait to see you again for the photo tutorials. Have a great Sunday!
Sometimes (like when people don’t realize they’re Nicknames…) it can be kind of odd, but it’s fun and it has helped develop my blog brand. :)
Thanks for coming by the party! I’m off to visit you now! Have a great rest of the weekend!
Hey Girl!! Just came over to PARTY!! Great post I look forward to learning more about you.
Thanks so much for stopping by for the party! I am just heading over to yours, too. I just added you to my ubp twitter list.
Really? It was my name that stood out? How cool! Thanks! It really is hard to know who to visit. There are so many!
Hi. I’m hoping over from the UBP. It’s so hard to choose between the vast numbers of bloogers but it was your blog name that drew me in. It’s so nice to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you through your blog.
Hi Lolli! Stopping by from the UBP but I also follow you on Twitter. Took a look at some of your photos. Love them! I’m going to follow along as I could use some great photography tips. Looking forward to reading more from you!!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love how you gave your kids candy nicknames!! Too cute!
.-= Staci Brown´s last blog ..Friday Favorites – Skyping =-.
I need all the help I can get with blogging photos… I’ll definitely be back for that! :)
I’m a homeschooling SAHM of two littles (3 and 1.5). I’m a born-again Christian, and I’m currently getting my MA in Ministry! I’m not your typical “Mommy Blogger”, but I love reading them just the same. Just stopping by during the UBP! Happy Partying! :)
.-= Ashley´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party 2010 =-.
Stopping by from the UBP party :)
Glad I found you! I’m just about to get a new camera and have no idea what I’m getting into, other than it’s gotta be better than my compact point-and-shoot that I’ve had for four years. Can’t wait to look at all your bloggraphy tips, thanks!
Come see me if you get a chance at The Youngn’s
.-= Sela´s last blog ..Warrior Dash =-.
Happy #UBP10. I love candy too! Twizzlers are calling my name as I write! I hope you get that GC toward the itouch! Have a wonderful winning week! Thanks for the follow on twitter!
.-= LissaL´s last blog ..Come Join the 5 Minutes for Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party 2010 =-.
Hi Lolli,
Thanks for following on Twitter. Hope you enjoy the UBParty!
Toronto Teacher Mom
Have a good time partying with UBP10. Love for you to stop by our blog at and see what we have for you to Stop Drop and Relax. Visit our on-line store at and Be Prepared to Be Pampered.
Coming by via UBP. Love your blog and can’t wait to read more! I am still what I would call a newbie blogger but love it and LOVE photography as well!
Cruising through from the UBP to say hi :)
stopping by from UBP10 to say Hi. Great blog. I am yoyur newest follower.
.-= denise´s last blog ..Inspiration-UBP10-Upcoming Giveaway =-.
I love new twitter followers! I think I’ll just have to chuckle every time I see your name, though. :) Can’t wait to get to know you!
I am so glad you’re enjoying your Flip! You got an even better one than I have. :) It’s amazing how handy those things come in!
Hi Lolli!
Thank you so much for stopping by my place and saying Hi! I love love LOVE the Ultimate Blog Party and I am having the most fun!
Well, I too am originally from So. Cali – born and raised. And yup the 5 kids too….(no you don’t hear that very often!!)
I hope you are having a great time this week – I also wish you and your family much happiness and love.
Stopping by from UBP10…hope you don’t mind me following you on twitter. I have 5 crazies, er, I mean, kids, also. I’ll be back soon!!
Great party post and nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by my blog :) Happy party week!
Thanks! You can keep your fingers crossed with me. :)
Did you ever have any doubts as to my candy obsession? :)
Stopping by to say hello. Saw your tweet and then came by to comment as well as saw this post in the next catagory. HOPE you’ll stop by for a visit. I love my FLIP!! Just did a review with it not too long ago for my Jeep Giveaway
Thanks again
.-= Night owl mama´s last blog ..WW: Mini Motorcyle Baby =-.
oooooooh an iPad! I think they are so cool! Hope you get some Amazon gc’s to reach your goal :)
.-= debi9kids´s last blog ..Teddy’s Birthday Buffet =-.
Hi there! Stopping by from UBP’10 on my quest to read a gazillion blogs! I love the candy theme and I really can’t wait to read through your photography tutorials…I’m a photo-failure! lol
Have a great weekend!
.-= Lindsay @ Just My Blog´s last blog ..Trafalgar’s Square Print Giveaway (Ends 4/15) =-.
Busy is my middle name. Like the name of my blog suggests, I like to do most things “over board.” Seriously, sometimes I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into. And then other times, I love it. :)
Perfect! I am so excited about all of the new people I’m meeting this year. it’s been quite a fun party! Thanks for stopping by!
There are some things that are just better in bulk no matter how many people you’re dealing with. LOL. Thanks for stopping by!
I am so happy that you discovered me! I love finding new people who are interested in learning photography tips. Be sure to go back through the past tutorials, and join us next Tuesday. We’ll be talking about lenses. :)
If only I could get an iPhone. But I am still super excited about getting an iTouch. I am so, so close. Keep your fingers crossed for me. ;)
I hope you win some gift cards to help you get your iTouch! You’ll love it! :)
.-= Tara @ Feels Like Home´s last blog ..Cousins =-.
I only just “discovered” you. I am here from Twitter, but had to check out your UBP post. I love this blog! I have subscribed by email and can’t wait to get your photography tutorials every Tuesday. I have a great interest, but very little knowledge in how to take good photos. Hope to see you around!
.-= Jennifer Tankersley´s last blog ..list of places to visit to promote earth-awareness in children =-.
I’m so glad you came by and entered my giveaway for the UBP10!
I am loving your blog. I’ve been an RSS subscriber for a while. Even though I have an only child, bulk still helps — A LOT!
Hi. I’m a party-goer and I just love your blog! I look forward to getting to know you better. I am on a quest to take better photos, so I am excited to see what I can learn from you!!!
Happy partying…not new here but had to stop by. Have a great weekend:)
.-= Nichol´s last blog ..The Ultimate Blog Party Is Here…Let’s Party! =-.
Thank you so much for stopping by, I love finding fun blogs through UBP! It’s definitely a party!
.-= xenia´s last blog ..{Review & Giveaway} Measure Up Bowl: Portion Control in a Bowl ARV $30 =-.
What a great party post! I am following you know. I need some help on taking great photos so looking forward to coming back.
Hey Lolli! Nice to “see” you at the party!
WOOT WOOT Party Time! I love chocolate! Good luck on getting your iTouch, I love mine.
.-= Barbara´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party 2010 =-.
You’re really busy on the blogging front, wow, two memes that you do every week. I started following you on twitter, and I hope to get to know you better.
.-= Louise´s last blog ..The Final Monday Moment Sponsored by Starbucks #giveaway =-.
Yay for the blog party. :)
I’ve been a subscriber for a few weeks — I “discovered” you through Cecily’s Photo-story Friday.
Glad to learn a little more about you!
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Mamavation Monday – I’m a FINALIST! =-.
What do you mean, showing you up? Silly.
My favorite candy is pure, creamy chocolate, Like Lindt or Dove. Just sayin’. :) I can’t believe the CBC is in a month!!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog party! I am already following you. :)
Have a great weekend! :)
.-= Raising My 4 Sons´s last blog ..The Pretty Peacock GIVEAWAY!!! =-.
Party! Party! Party!!
Hello, glad to stop by. Enjoy the party!
This is my first party LOL and I am going to have a field day tomorrow looking at new blogs and hopefully ‘meeting’ new friends. I already met a couple today. Happy hopping!!
.-= GrammieMommy´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party 2010 =-.
*Giggles about your candy confession!*
I’ve been subscribing to your blog for several months now . . . and let me just say that I LOVE IT! This is my first time joining in the party . . . but it is so much fun! Have fun partying!
.-= Mominin´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party =-.
Already following you everywhere :) This is my first year doing the Ultimate Blog Party and I’m having so much fun!
.-= Heather´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party 2010!!! =-.
Welcome to the party! I’m looking forward to checking out Give Me Your Best Shot!
.-= Fields Of Heather´s last blog ..Pork Lo Mein =-.
aww man!
Your party post is great!
You are showing me up again. ;) lol. Just kidding.
I can’t wait to meet you at CBC!
You are just awesome.
Whats your fave candy?
Maybe I’ll bring some to CBC.
.-= one cluttered brain´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party 2010<—Getting to know Cluttered Brain =-.