I whined (a little) yesterday about having to spend Valentine’s Eve sleeping on the couch. CandyMan was snoring, and I couldn’t sleep. So you can imagine my surprise (and giggles) when I found the other side of the bed empty when I woke up this morning. I found CandyMan asleep on the family room couch, exactly where I had spent the night before. I snored him out of bed on Valentine’s night. How’s that for payback?
Disclaimer: I was never a snorer. I don’t know when or how I became one, but I blame it on lack of sleep. Or maybe my body is subconsciously getting back at my husband for all of those sleepless nights his snoring has caused me. I don’t know. At least it’s not keeping me up at night.
The reality is – as much as I would love to say that Valentine’s Day was fabulously romantic – it was, in fact, just another day. It started out with two dentist appointments. Two cavities filled, two stubborn baby teeth pulled. Two kids with numb cheeks. One child home sick from school. Three Valentine’s parties to attend. One kindergarten disco ball. And three too many walks back and forth between home and school.
But in the middle of the chaos of the day, it hit me that I am surrounded by love. Who needs a fancy card or an expensive box of chocolates to validate that? My kids love me, the sky was a gorgeous shade of blue (for the first time in months!), and despite not sharing my bed with my husband for two nights, I do love the guy. We even escaped for a night at the movies after dinner. On a Monday.
Disclaimer: I would totally take the card and the expensive box of chocolates. Or the cheap chocolates. I’m pretty easy to please when chocolate is concerned. Although I do admit I can taste the difference…
I might need to take matters into my own hands (isn’t that always better, anyway?) with Genesis Today’s Get It On contest. All you have to do is take a picture of yourself enjoying their Cranberry Goji juice (which, by the way, not only tastes great but gives you natural energy and helps put you in the mood…) and upload the picture to their contest page. I uploaded this picture:
The prize? $2000 cash and a Cranberry Goji gift basket. And with the $1.50 off coupon they’ve got on their Facebook page. Ok, on second thought, don’t enter. It will give me a better chance to win the $2000.
Disclaimer: I am a SuperFood ambassador with Genesis Today, and received a Cranberry Goji package this week. When I opened the box and found cranberry goji fruit chews, Twizzler grabbed for one. I said, “You can have one, honey, but they’re not candy. Their fruit chews. Like vitamins.” His response was, “Oh, darn, I was hoping it was beef bouillon. Can I have a beef bouillon?” Strange, strange child.
PS–Just this morning, I started a fun discussion in the Coffee Talk community where everyone can share their Valentine’s Day stories–both the blunders and the successes. Won’t you join in?
And now I must get some milk and eggs. Just another day….
© 2011, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
We’ve turned Valentine’s into a family celebration but this year, I missed my supermarket box of chocolates. I let him make it up to me by taking care of the sink full of dishes.
We have comfy his (man cave) and hers (my office) retreat rooms when either one of us is really tired and snores the other one out of the room. The main thing is that we all get a good night’s rest. I might cuddle before he falls asleep..or I might try to beat him to the bed. But it’s all good; lots of quality time spent before retreating for the night.
V-day was good. We met up for dinner but hurried home to watch Jeopardy! I’m rooting for Watson (the computer) and he’s rooting for the humans.
I haven’t started snoring yet… but I just got braces and now, I drool. I think my husband gets the raw end of the deal now.
Good for you for getting back at him:-)
The snoring drives me crazy, but I haven’t resorted to sleeping on the couch… yet. Lately, I’ve been going to bed early (before my husband) and getting to sleep before the noise starts. :)
We didn’t exchange this year – its really about the kids now, isn’t it?
The snoring thing as we get older. UGH. My husband is starting to snore lately. And I want to go sleep on the couch at times too. Funny about your swapping places via Valentine’s day tho!
(mine was out of town, so I slept well, but I’d rather have him here, snoring on vday than traveling!) :)
HAHAHA! I remember asking my mom for bullion cubes to lick too! And yeah, I was a strange, strange child too. :)
AS for the rest, very well said. Being surrounded by love makes the rest pale in comparison.