I was invited by Disney/DreamWorks to visit the New York City set of the movie Delivery Man while actors Vince Vaughn and Cobie Smulders were filming last December. While travel and accommodations were covered for me, no other compensation was received. All thoughts (and excitement) are my own.
It’s quite fitting that the first thing that Vince Vaughn talked to our little group of bloggers about was his wife and their 2 year old. He’s obviously a very proud dad, and I think that his relatively new “real life” role as a father uniquely prepared him to play the role of David in Delivery Man.
Here’s Vince Vaughn’s perspective of the story line of Delivery Man and his character: “I think being a new dad, I was really right for the role of David Wozniak because …he kind of donates a lot to a sperm bank. As sort of a young guy, he thinks, ‘Oh I can make a couple bucks,’ but he didn’t really think of the consequences at that age. And now all these years later it’s like four to five hundred kids want to meet him. They’ve overused his donations, if you will.”
He goes on to say that the most interesting thing about the story of Delivery Man is that it gives parents a unique look at the wide array of circumstances parents and children can face as they’re growing up. Through David, you can see all of the hopes and dreams that parents have for their kids, as well as the fears and mistakes that they inevitably go through. Each of his children, as he gets to know who they are, represents a different parenting circumstance. One child might be having issues with self-esteem, another might be dealing with relationship challenges.
Vaughn said, “It was a real fun way to find out, I think in a real tangible way, what all goes through your mind when it comes to your particular child.” As he filmed the movie, he regularly thought about his own fears and hopes for his own baby.
I really enjoyed the positive, laid back attitude on the set – I definitely took note of the positive atmosphere. Vince said that there was a lot of joking around on set…and it sounds like there will probably end up being an entertaining blooper reel after the movie.
“The subject matter has a lot of optimism. But it’s not all easy,” he said. “It definitely deals with some very difficult situations. But I think at its core it’s about love and about optimism. So I think everyone’s in kind of a good mood every night.”
And in the end, a positive set and happy actors makes for a positive, uplifting film for movie goers. I can’t wait to see Delivery Man in theaters this November!
What would YOU have liked to ask Vince on the set of his upcoming movie?
About Delivery Man
In Delivery Man, Vince Vaughn plays an underachiever who is not content with what he’s been able to accomplish in his 40-ish years of life. He finds out, very unexpectedly, that an anonymous donation to a fertility clinic 20 years ago resulted in 533 children.
DELIVERY MAN, rated PG-13, stars Vince Vaughn, Cobie Smulders and Chris Pratt and opens in theaters everywhere November 22.
**Don’t miss my other on-set interviews from Delivery Man: Cobie Smulders and Director Ken Scott**
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DELIVERY MAN releases in theaters on November 22nd!
Note: Some of the interview wording was adjusted to make sense, as the audio on the set (a street in New York City) was not always ideal.
© 2013, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I love Vince! He is hilarious. I was watching Mr. & Mrs. Smith the other day and thinking that I have to see his new movie!
It is really interesting to see different sides of these movies. I am excited to see this movie when it releases. I think it will be a lot of fun and full of humor but also touching moments as well.
I love him. He is so funny!
My hubby and I are huge Vince fans, this must have been out of this world fun! We’ve been know to watch come of his movies.. over and over again!
This movie looks awesome and I absolutely can’t wait to see it!