Summer as a work-at-home mom
Summer time can be hard for two work at home parents, but I have been pleased with all that we’ve been able to fit in as a family. Camping trips, visits to and from family, and lots of afternoons at the pool…
Yesterday, I packed the kids up in the car once again to drive 2 hours away to my sister’s house, where KitKat (my oldest) has been staying and helping out with her little ones for the last week.
Andrea and I love to have adventures with the kids, and definitely pushed our luck last night when we took 6 kids to Friendly’s at 8:00pm, followed by a very late visit to Hershey Park, where we got in free for the last 30 minutes. Each kid got to ride 2 rides, and we escaped with only one child sobbing.
I was thinking this morning, after spending the night on an Aerobed with Mimi the cat about some of the things that have helped us not only survive the summer, but really enjoy it, too.
Tips for work-at-home moms to enjoy summer time with kids
- Set limits – my kids know that I have to work in the mornings and again at night, and they need to find things to do around the house while I work.
- Stick with a schedule – schedule fun activities, like swimming at the pool or checking out books at the library, so that the kids have something regular to look forward to.
- Relax the rules a little – typically, my kids don’t play many games or watch a ton of tv, but we relax the rules during the summer.
- Get together with friends – I’ve always loved inviting a few kids over to play. It keeps my kids entertained without having to go anywhere.
- Schedule in some day-time NO WORK hours – I realized early on this summer that I wouldn’t be able to get away with not working at all during the day, but I can make certain hours of the day time to devote to the kids.
- Keep meals simple – To maximize time with my kids, I am spending less time in the kitchen in the evenings. Yes, that means that we aren’t having quite as fancy meals, but no one seems to mind coming home from the pool and throwing a quick meal together.
- Plan day trips – we are loving taking vacation time close to home. Rather than traveling somewhere extravagant for vacation, we are seeing sights around home.
- Keep things varied – if I have a busy day on the computer, I will try to make more time for the kids the next day.
© 2011, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Thanks so much for the visit! Yes, getting out of the house every once in a while and planning time to spend with the kids have been life savers for me, too!
Hi! Love the tips! Am here via Piggies and Paws website. I have followed several of these tips while working through the summer doing Piggies and Paws – and I have found them to be so helpful. Daytrips and PLANNING/scheduling have saved my summer life. ;o)
that picture is insane, she’s gorgeous!
thanks for the tips, I really need to set limits for myself much better than I have been.
Great post. I am big on the schedule thing myself. And ALWAYS pop in some time to just hang with the d-ters! Thanks for keeping the dream alive! Ken
Hello..I’m a new follower from the SheSpeaks Blogger Society! Your daughter is GOREGOUS and thanks for the great summer tips! I want to welcome you to stop over by my site when you get a chance.
Only a month to go… ;) Well, for me. It really is important, whether it’s the summer or the school year, to make sure we are still making the kids a priority!
Thank you for the tips, I’m going a bit crazy over here! LOL
I love the “schedule NO work time” tip. I have to do that. I noticed when I give 100% attention to them for a long amount of time, they are more able to have happier play time without me so I can get work done :)
Great tips and beautiful picture.
Very great tips and that picture is beautiful!!
Thanks for the post, very helpful… i don’t need just for summer, but all year round since my girls are only 2 and 9 month old! lol I always try to sneak in work here and there… it’s hard to do any work while they are awake.
Now I’m blushing… :)
Your tip is an excellent one! I agree that getting kids to take responsibility is a great idea….all year around!
Thanks! :) It’s crazy that I’ve got a daughter this old!
This is such a great list and yes. Kit Kat is so beautiful!
These are really thoughtful tips that I will use! When working from home this summer, I try to schedule breaks for myself, too, so I don’t get too frazzled. That makes everyone happier.
Giving them responsibility for making it all work helps, too. I told my 6yo I thought he was old enough to make his own snack and turn on a short movie while I took a call, and I made sure to tell him how proud I was that he was quiet and took care of himself so that I could work. He was just beaming afterwards!
LOVE your tips! This is super helpful.
Your daughter is gorgeous, though it’s not surprising since the apple doesn’t fall from the tree. ;)