I haven’t had a cavity since I was a kid. Mom, do you remember? I might have had a filling in early high school…..but I graduated in 1992. Let’s just say that it’s been 20 years since I’ve sat in a dentist chair and seen these tools….
After the first shot of anesthetic, I got sick to my stomach. I’ve never reacted well to anesthesia. I needed two shots.
And now? My mouth hurts. My ear hurts. I slept half the afternoon.
I had 4 kids without anesthesia. And yet I’m apparently a wimp when it comes to having one simple cavity filled.
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Heya we are the first time right here. I discovered the following mother board and that i in discovering It genuinely beneficial & this reduced the problem outside considerably. I am hoping to make available a little something once more along with help others such as you made it easier for me personally.
I know how you feel. I would rather give birth than go to the dentist. Hope you are feeling better soon!
I went 20 years without visiting the dentist– my parents weren’t doctor types and it just never occurred to me until I had a tooth absess. Since then I’ve had my wisdom teeth out, three cavities filled (not too bad, considering 20 years), another tooth out to make room, and now I’m on month 5 of 24 of adult braces. I see my dentist more than I see my best friend!
Glad you’re feeling better, tooth pain bites. No pun intended I SWEAR.
Ugh! So sorry! Cavities are no fun! I, unfortunately, have had my fair share my whole life, including a root canal two years ago, so I feel your pain!
Ughh! I hate the dentist. I get sick to my stomach too, and I swear I can feel them drill someone else in another room! it is worse now that we have no dental insurance, makes the visits more painful~sigh…
Awwww…poor baby! The dentist said that I’ve had so many cavities filled that there’s no place for new ones to grow. But I usually need a double shot of anesthetic, too.
oh right – sorry! tired eyes today. well, you must have VERY healthy teeth then if you haven’t had a cavity for such a long time!
Oh, heavens! I’ve been to the dentist more recently than 20 years….I just haven’t had a cavity in since high school. LOL!
dental pain is different. it just is! 20 years really is too long tho – ya gotta take care of your teeth!!!
I don’t think I would have wanted to do that without being numb. It hurt even with the two shots!
It had been longer than 2 years for me. I didn’t have dental insurance for myself for a while, and then I just got scared to go in. Agh!
All is better. :) I know exactly what you mean about the claustrophobic feelings. I don’t like that, either.
I was worried for a few minutes. Luckily, I had my iphone to distract me. :)
I’ve taken pictures of my kids at the dentist, too. :) I just wait til the dentist leaves the room. LOL
Yay for finding a great dentist. I had a fantastic dentist for the kids, but he stopped taking our insurance. It was sad to leave him. :(
Haha! At least you caught your typo. :)
It’s a very true fact. :) LOL
It needed to be done, and honestly I’m glad I took care of it. :)
Good luck tomorrow! :)
All I could think about (other than the discomfort yesterday) was how unsympathetic I’ve been to my kids’ dentist visit recently. LOL
Oh, I am so sorry! I hope you can make it through that. :)
I just had to whine a little yesterday, but really it wasn’t THAT bad. :) I can’t complain after 20+ years!
That stinks! So far so good on my tooth’s sensitivity. Right now, it’s my jaw that’s driving me crazy after having to keep it open for so long yesterday!
Thanks! I can’t complain, really. I’m just glad I dont get them as often as I did when I was a kid. And I’m grateful my kids seem to have better teeth than I did. LOL
I know exactly what you mean. I totally do that to myself as well. :)
Luckily, a lazy day at home was all I needed to recover from the anesthesia. :)
I hope you didn’t hit anything on your way down. :)
That’s so awesome! I love knowing that. :) I always knew I liked you.
I haven’t heard anyone say that they are a fan of the dentist. :) I’m just glad I finally have dental insurance to pay for work done!
I’m doing much better now. My tooth feels fine. It’s my jaw that still hurts!
I kind of felt that way, too. I had somehow imagined that things would have improved a bit in the last 20 years. :)
oh how I hate the dentist… I have had cavities all my life as well and well I am ashamed to say that I haven’t been to the dentist in 2 years…. I am scared to find out the damage that has been done. :/
xo, Supermom Alysha
Eeeeekkkk! For me its the whole being held in one position for far too long. I’m slighty claustrophobic and a control freak!
Poor you :( Hope its all better today.
Look at those tools! They look so primeval, don’t they? It’s no wonder you got sick to your stomach. I would have passed out!
That’s so funny, I also had a non-medicated childbirth and years ago I would have taken that over going to the dentist! LOL I hated it — until I had to have so much work done that I was there so often that I didn’t care anymore. And I have a great dentist now.
I got some great pics of my little son going to the dentist and used them for lasts WW:
I hate the dentist but I love my dentist. I’ve had so much work done in the past 5 years that I’ve gotten over all my hears. I hope that your mouth feels better.
Gah! Hate going to the dentist! My mom is so anti-shots she has had cavities filled out without anesthetic!
Oh I hate cavities.
I hate the dentist too would rather put up with pain than go!
I meant bethere2day not bethere2say LOL
Gawd i feel for you i am the worlds worst for the dentist, i need one badly and i just can’t bring myself to go
Happy WW!
Dentists are probably the most disliked doctors out there! Haha! No matter how young or old you are, trips to the dentist can sometimes be traumatic.
Get well soon!
That does not look fun at all. I think I would have called in sick to that dentist appointment.
That will be me on Thurs. I chipped a tooth. SOOOO not looking forward to it!
No matter what age you are, the dentist is still scary! I have been going for a locked jaw, so I am kinda not looking forward to the next visit LOL! Hope your head is okay tomorrow or, I guess, today LOL!
i so feel you! Its been ages too since the last time my tooth was extracted and now I need to lose 2 teeth to have my braces on. I am done with one but I have been postponing the extraction of the other one since I got some uncomfy feeling on the last one and I am not ready yet for that same feeling. hope you feel better soon!
I had 2 cavities filled just a couple of weeks ago. It had been about 20 years for me too! Such a surprise to find out I had them. But I survived the fillings. Glad you did too!
I had 2 cavities filled last month after a similar timespan – and had the same experience with the anesthesia too. And my teeth are so sensitive to hot and cold now – it hurts to eat, much more than it ever did before I had the darn things filled! Sigh.
That’s a pretty scary WW picture! LOL.
Feel better soon (and congrats on such a long time in between cavities!)
Not wimpy at all! You know what’s wimpy? I have four impacted wisdom teeth degrading my jaw bone and I’m TOO SCARED to go in and get it taken care of! So I *totally* feel you on this one! :)
gah not the dentist..get better soon
I always have terrible reactions to anesthesia too. Hope you start feeling better soon.
I fainted just looking at those tools. Happy WW!
Oh no! Getting sick from anesthesia is never fun. I hope you feel better soon, Lolli. And by the way, we graduated during the same year which means we’re both super awesome. Just saying… ;)
I’m not much of a fan myself. lol.
UGH! Just looking at those tools makes me squirm! The dentist is my biggest fear, and I so feel for you. Hope you’re doing better this evening.
It’s that gigantic, looks like it’s from the dark ages syringe dentists use. That thing is MEAN.
Feel better soon!