Or you hate it. Snow days are a real mixed bag for me. On one hand, I really love a day to sleep in and take it easy, but is it really possible to take it easy with 5 kids in the house all day? Somehow it’s different during the summer, when we can spend a few hours at the pool, play at the park every afternoon, and take trips around town. When the kids are home for a snow day, it means that we’re stuck inside. Nowhere to go, nothing to do but make a mess of the house.
Oh, but the kids love it. They do the ancient snow dance in preparation for a possible snow storm (this involves wearing their pajamas inside out and doing a funky dance). They pray a little harder the night before….and then they cheer the next morning when they hear the news.
And it’s good news, it really is. They have fun. But, it throws everything off. My week was already full, and losing one more day doesn’t put me in a great situation. Argh! And I just got another email from the school district saying that I there will be a 2-hour delay in school starting tomorrow. Which means that my plans for tomorrow will be pushed back as well (just hopefully not by too much).
By now, the kids have spent all day together…and usually that’s not a good thing. They get tired of each other. They get cranky. And then I get to listen to whining, arguing. Ugh! I’m tired! That’s the other thing about the summer–after a week or two of spending all of their time together, they adjust and don’t argue as much. During the Winter, they get out of practice.
My goal for the day was to finish editing some pictures from last week’s photo shoot with a 2 month old baby girl. I don’t know why it was taking me so long. Maybe the up-down-up-down of taking care of kids’ needs? I think I may be just about ready to post them. I know for sure that I’m ready to get out of this house again.
Ooh! I just remembered a note-worthy giveaway to mention! Modern Molly Mormon is giving away a tungsten ring, valued up to $120, from SuperiorWeddingRings.com. Go enter for your chance to win!
And now for the pictures…..You’ll notice that one certain 8 year old child is missing. He is very sensitive to the cold and chose to stay in the warm house today. :)
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