This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
In honor of Self Improvement Month in September, I did something drastic during the month to give myself a little boost. If you’ve been following any of my social channels, you might recall seeing me go from this….
…to this:
Sometimes as women we need a little self-confidence boost, and as I was approaching a few back-to-back trips as well as a pretty HUGE birthday (I turned 40 today!), I realized that it was time for me to do something for myself.
It has always amazed me how something as simple as a new haircut – or some new highlights – or a new outfit – will make ALL the difference in how I feel about myself. Self Improvement month may be over, but that doesn’t mean that self-improvement should ever end (or even slow down).
Here are just a few things that I’ve used over the years to boost my confidence and remind myself that I am a pretty amazing person (do you hear that positive self-talk there??).
10 Ways to Boost Your Confidence:
- Set small goals and remember that self-confidence is a process. Reward yourself for your small victories and improvements.
- Stop comparing yourself to others. If you in search of true self-improvement, then remember that your only measuring standard should be yourself, not someone else.
- Be grateful. Gratitude (both recognizing what you’re grateful for and expressing that gratitude to others) will help focus your mind on your successes and what you’ve got going for you.
- Dress for success. As a stay-at-home mom for more than a decade, and now as a work-at-home mom, it would be very easy for me to wear sweats and t-shirts every day. However, I’ve realized that the better I dress (and the earlier I get dressed) the better I feel about myself and what I can accomplish that day.
- Maintain good posture. Good posture exudes confidence. Even if you’re not feeling confident, show confidence in your body language and people will believe it.
- Compliment others – this goes along with recognizing and expressing gratitude. Look for the good in other people and tell them what you observe. It makes them feel amazing, and you’ll feel pretty good, too.
- Make a change. Anytime I’m feeling a little blah, I’ve found that changing my hairstyle, getting some new clothes, or buying some new make-up makes a huge difference.
- Be prepared. There’s nothing more discouraging than feeling like you can’t do something well. Beat those feelings by preparing and planning ahead as much as possible. Set yourself up for success instead of failure.
- Be active. Exercise will certainly boost your self confidence as well as your energy levels, but that’s not where being active ends. Get out of the house, get together with friends, volunteer and be active in your community. Put yourself out there.
- Smile. This one is both easy to do and contagious. And putting a smile on your face might just help you achieve everything else on this list without even trying very hard.
What confidence-building tips would you add to the list?
In honor of Self Improvement month, Invisalign® would like each of you to do something that makes you feel more confident…or share something you’ve done to boost your self confidence lately. Leave a comment below and let’s see how we can all work together to boost each other’s confidence!
As important as showing off your confident smile is, did you know that Invisalign is a discreet alternative to braces that allows you to perfect your smile without sacrificing your busy life? My oldest daughter, Kimberly, had Invisalign a few years ago and still raves about how amazing it was. You can read her own words on her experience HERE.
About Invisalign: Invisalign clear aligners discreetly straighten teeth while providing the confidence of a great smile from the first day of treatment. No more wires and brackets required – Invisalign is a series of virtually invisible, removable aligners made of lightweight plastic that gradually move teeth over time. With Invisalign, an improving smile is on display every day without the hassle and embarrassment associated with traditional wire and bracket braces. The benefits include no food restrictions, ability to easily maintain healthy dental brushing habits, and the freedom to smile without most people knowing you are in treatment. Visit the Invisalign website for more information about the clear alternative to braces. To find an Invisalign provider is to visit the Invisalign Doctor Locator.
Invisalign Countdown to Confidence sweepstakes
The Invisalign Countdown to Confidence Sweepstakes is happening NOW through November 1. Invisalign is awarding one winner $100 EVERY DAY for 60 days, plus a chance to win the grand prize, which includes free Invisalign treatment and $1,000! Enter daily to increase your chances of winning!
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i need to work on boosting my confidence. i usually set huge goals and then am hard on myself when i don’t reach them. i need to set smaller goals!! :)
I agree. I haircut can change so much! Every time I start to feel a little down on myself I make a hair appointment. It always helps!
Not comparing ourselves to others is a biggie. we need to focus on improving ourselves based only on our own performance rather than someone elses! Great reminders!
Great tips, I’m a person that has always had an issue with this. to some it comes naturally but it takes work for me
Boosting our confidence is essential and EASY with your list. Dressing or success is important….and as a SAHM I have to remember to get out of my gym clothes every once in awhile. Your hair looks great short!
I know for me, when I dress nicely, I feel much more confident. Because I work from home, I tend to wear my PJ pants and a tee shirt every day!
It is amazing what little things we can do for ourselves that would help boost our confidence. I need to work harder at doing that, thanks for your great tips.
I boost my confidence by being around people who are positive, I feel when I have positive energy around me, it makes me feel happy and more confident.
Love those tips! Thanks! :)
Finding time to do something for myself often proves much harder than it should be. Usually I try to set time out to do my eyebrows and spend some time with face masks and a hot bath. Even better when I can get some time making soaps in the mix.. I love combining the scents to see what I can come up with to get peoples attention.