It’s day 4 of the SITS Back to Blogging event and today we are each writing about a woman who inspires us. My mom was the first to come to my mind, as was this post: No Question About It – August 4, 2009 I’m her daughter. After spending the majority of last week with…
Archives for September 2010
Rolling Rewards – Budget Bootcamp #11
This week’s Budget Bootcamp challenge is to Roll Rewards. What is Rolling Rewards? Basically, you make a purchase that results in rewards, and then use those rewards in another transaction to lower your out of pocket expenses. Beth has an excellent post about Getting Paid to Shop and Clair explains Rolling, Rolling, Rolling. Beth also…
What Makes a Good Blog Post Title? Back to Blogging Day 3
The SITS Back-to-Blogging challenge for today is to highlight a blog post title that you are particularly proud of. I scanned through pages and pages of blog posts to pick out a few that caught my eye as being some of my better (or at least more interesting) titles. Is a good title one that…
Get Flirty with Fifty-off
I don’t normally pose in front of a hunk of meat, but my new apron was worth it. When I got back from Bloggy Bootcamp, I found a package waiting for me. Inside was without a doubt the most chic apron I’ve ever owned. I couldn’t wait to get my hands in some flour and…
What I Learned at Bloggy Bootcamp
This past weekend’s Bloggy Bootcamp in Philadelphia was my third SITS event, and by far my favorite. I was able to make my trip to Philly a full weekend vacation (emphasis on Vacation) and even got to swing by a certain Pennsylvania hospital to meet my brand new niece, born during the conference. So what…
Revisiting my Happy Place: Back-to-Blogging Day 2
The SITS girls are holding a week-long challenge to get all of us back into the blogging routine after Summer. Yesterday, I reposted my almost-very-first blog post ever, from October 2007. Today the challenge is to find a post that you wish more people had read. That’s a tough one. I thought about posting one…
Vroom, Vroom, Crash!
Kids and wheels go together. Especially little boys and wheels. But with the wheels and the vroom, vroom, vroom, also comes the Crash! Splat! Ouch! Mommy!!! Visit I heart Faces to see other Vroom, vroom themed pictures:
Back to Blogging Day 1
The SITS girls have set out a series of challenges to get back into blogging. I admit–the summer is a difficult time to stay on a consistent schedule of blogging (and especially reading and commenting on other blogs) so I like this idea of following a daily challenge to get back into the blogging groove….
Icing on the Cake (My Weekend in Pennsylvania, Part 1)
I have so much I’d love to share about my weekend in Pennsylvania for the Philly Bloggy Bootcamp, but the details will have to wait. While I was making the final touches on my Powerpoint presentation in Mommy’s Still Fabulous’ basement, my sister was delivering her brand new baby girl. Since I was already away…
Walk, Walk, Walk….
I am tired. Tired to my very bones. The kids were off school today and we spent it together. Hiking. Fixing the tires. Shopping like pros at CVS. Making Coke floats at McDonalds. Visiting the local Farmer’s Market. Walking, walking and walking. Tomorrow I’ll contrast today’s busy-ness with a different kind of busy-ness. Tomorrow I…