Do you ever go through your pictures and check out what you were doing a year ago exactly?
I got curious tonight and checked out January 26, 2009.
Last year, my mom had just come into town in preparation for my son’s baptism. When my mom comes to visit, we party.
We shop.
We laugh.
And we love to eat out.
On January 26, 2009, we had lunch together at Chick-fil-A. My gorgeous sister, Andrea, came along, too.
Those were good, good times.
This picture simply reminded me that AJ needs another haircut. It looks so much better shorter!
How I wish I could be eating lunch with my mom and little sis today. I miss them. It really stinks to be so far away from all of our family!
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Great Lolli now I want Chic Fil A, love their lemonade…and ice cream. That is a great pic of AJ!
.-= Beth´s last blog ..Delurker Day =-.
That’s a great idea! I’ve never thought to do that except on holidays or birthdays. I’ll have to check out my pics later tonight. We love Chik-fil-a here too!
Ah… LOVE me some chick-fil-a!! Luckily, we have one 5 minutes from our house. I can’t imagine living in a state that doesn’t have one!
.-= Jess´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Its so hard when we are far from our families, but the good times remain and no one can take those memories from us.
.-= Brenda´s last blog ..Rosemary Butternut Squash/TMTT =-.
Great pictures. Chick-fil-A is the best.
As someone who lives on the other side of the country from all of my family….I know exactly how you feel!
.-= Tracie´s last blog ..-I’m Hungry! =-.
Sure looks like a great time. We have Chick-fil-a night almost every Thursday, kids eat free!
You make me wish my family was closer for some of our nights.
What a great looking family.
.-= Krystyn´s last blog ..What is that on my wall? =-.
Thanks for changing my email. So I checked what we were doing a year ago today too and we were not having a good time at chick-fil-a. We were in a pediatric surgeons office finding out my son needed surgery to lengthen his heel cords and would then need to wear casts for 6 weeks after. That seems like it was much longer than 1 year ago. It was cool to look back. Thanks for the idea.
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..Half Marathon Finish =-.
Great Pictures! I have never had Chic-fil-A. Always wondered about it but when we lived in Arizona and would go to town – Chic-fil-A was next to In-N-Out. I can’t give up my In-N-Out even for Chicken.
Darn the peanut allergy thing!! Does someone in your family have the allergy, or are you staying away to be safe?
It WAS a great day. I didn’t even know about Chick-fil-A before we moved here, and I WOULD be sad to not have one near me anymore….eventhough we don’t eat there very often.
I’m glad you came for a visit! Do try this idea sometime–it’s fun! And then let me know when you’ve done it! :)
Don’t be sad! Thanks for the sweet compliment! You’re the best!
Gosh I miss Chick Fil-A. I know there is one right down the street, but since the whole peanut allergy thing came out, we are staying away. For at least 1 year. It’s only month 2 and I want to sneak out and go have some.
.-= parenting BY dummies´s last blog ..Wordful Wednesday: The Others =-.
MMMMMM!!!! Chick Fil-A. I SOOOO miss Chick Fil-A. Your pics are gorgeous and you guys looked like you were having the grandest time ever.
Thanks for sharing your memory which triggered my memory of how much I miss Chick Fil-A. ;)
.-= Kerry Ellington´s last blog NEW GIVEAWAY: Win a FREE Belly Bandit =-.
Hey there! Oh what a great idea! I love the ”lets see what I was up to a year ago today”… I shall have to try that :)
Found you through my blog, where I think you found me through Seededbuzz. Thanks for stopping in, you’ve got a great blog here! x
.-= Mesina´s last blog ..Excuse me while I have a psychotic meltdown =-.
I wish you were closer to your family as well, I’m spoiled being only 6 miles from my mom!
.-= Erin´s last blog ..‘Stache anyone? =-.
What a sweet post. Great memories :)
I just love spending time with my sisters and mom too.
Happy WW!
.-= debi9kids´s last blog ..trekaroo & Fort Fisher too =-.
Oh, this made me feel sad! I can’t imagine what it is like to be so far away Lolli! I hope you will get to spend time with them soon. Your sister is GORGEOUS : ) As are you! And so is your Mama! I love Mom’s!
.-= Life with Kaishon´s last blog ..A Cure for the Winter Blues! =-.
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.
.-= Carolyn G´s last blog ..Tillen Farms Review and Giveaway =-.
That;s a nice memory! I know how you feel…we live far away from everyone too!
.-= Muthering Heights´s last blog ..Generation Y… =-.