If you were following my twitter stream on Tuesday night, you might have seen me posting some messages like this: Eating an amazing meal at the Melting Pot with bloggy friends. Doesn’t get much better than this. #fonduedc The tummy is very happy. And we haven’t hit the chocolate yet. #fonduedc Getting ready for the…
Flavor Your Day
*Giveaway closed. Winners are (from random.org) #6: Jennifer – motherofall6, #14: Safire – Waterfalling Up, and #16: Alyssa – Just Another Day in Paradise. Congrats!!* We all know that being a mom, no matter how rewarding it is, can be draining. Sometimes we all need a boost, whether it’s a couple of minutes to indulge…
NieNie’s Story
Have you heard of Nie Nie? I would imagine that most people who spend any time blogging have come across her site, NieNie Dialogues, or her button, or her story. Stephanie and I share a little something. I have not met her nor have I been in an accident like she has. But I am…
Ultimate Blog Party – Ready to Party!
The Ultimate Blog Party is a yearly event put on by the fabulous ladies at 5 Minutes For Mom and it’s all about meeting people and getting your blog noticed. Since I just recently re-wrote my About Me page, I am going to point you all there, and leave you with a short and sweet…
What Has Blogging Taught You?
MamaKat’s Writer’s Workshop prompt #1 called for a list of 10 things blogging has taught you. Here’s a quick list, in no particular order: • I have a social side to me that I never knew existed. Social networking? PR? Suddenly, I’m a pro. • I am good at something other than making dinner and…
The Power of a SEED
Some of you may have seen my recent vlog or my whrrl story for the SEEDs of Inspiration BlogHer 2010 partial sponsorship contest sponsored by SEED (a line of all natural body care) and hosted by Hip As I Wanna Be, Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom and Makeover Momma. I had so many posts on my…
SEEDs of Inspiration
I am going to BlogHer this August. That’s a given. You can relive the excitement of my BlogHer announcement with me and all of the lovely spammers who LOVE that post. (Seriously, BlogHer 2010 Here I Come! receives 90% of the comments that end up in my spam filter.) Well, it’s time for more exciting…
Momz Share DC Metro Bloggers Girls Night Out
What is Momz Share? Momz Share is a series of events, held quarterly and hosted by a different, fabulous D.C. Metro Region blogger. It’s part Girls Night Out and part networking. But it’s ALL fun. Apparently, Maryland is overflowing with awesome bloggers. And pretty cool businesses willing to sponsor and support mom bloggers. I won…
Bloggy Boot Camp + 10 Tips to Improve Your SEO
MamaKat called for Whrrl stories this week, and so I figured I’d compile a few more of my Bloggy Boot Camp photos and make a whrrl story for you. Honestly, I admit: the second prompt (“Create and share a Whrrl story”) was the easiest for me, and considering I’ve spent so much time this week…
Bloggy Boot Camp Top 10
Ten of the top things that I took away from SITS Bloggy Boot Camp this weekend: 10- There’s no reason not to share. Expertise, ideas, etc. We can build each other up. 9- Be Switzerland. Amy from Resourceful Mommy had some great advice. Be professional and steer clear of the drama. 8- Transparency doesn’t mean…