I proved to myself this weekend that I have been functioning on 85% adrenaline, because I was going strong until about an hour after my second class was over. Once I no longer had anything to anticipate or prepare for, my body (and my mind) slowly but systematically shut down. By Saturday evening, I looked like a zombie with pale skin and sunken eyes. Not my best look (I challenge you to look closely at the pictures of me at the conference. I bet you can pick out the photos of me AFTER I taught versus before).
Despite my extreme fatigue, I had a blast and a half at the Casual Blogger Conference. There’s no way I can adequately describe the amazing experience of being surrounded by my blogging friends and blogging heros (especially when those heros become friends!). Here are some of the highlights (for me!) of the #cbc10:
• Not only did I ride in a limo with the MomBabe (who I absolutely adore) and the genius behind LeeLou Blogs, but our very cute limo driver stopped at a gas station so that we could get candy, drinks, and advil (necessities when you’re on the run between engagements). And I only got to ride in said limo because my new friend, Elisa (aka Motherboard), the other piece of the Casual Blogger Conference puzzle, insisted that I leave my car at point A and take the limo to point B. She then drove me all the way back to point A to pick up my car JUST so I could have that limo ride. Sweet!
• I spoke in front of two different crowds of people. Strangers, friends, icons of the blogging world. And my voice did not shake. My knees did not go weak. I don’t know if what I said was intelligible or if it helped anyone (I hope so!) but I do know that I got through it better than I would have hoped. Who would have guessed that I would like public speaking so much?
• I am convinced that Someone planned the snacks at the concert on Friday night Just For Me. Jars and jars full of candy, with seemingly endless refills. My dream come true. (And, yes, I loaded my bag with candy to take home to snack on throughout the conference, because I really do like candy THAT MUCH.)
• I have learned this before, but at the CBC this simple fact was reaffirmed: Some friendships started online are just as strong as those begun at home. Some bonds seem even stronger. There were a few bloggers that I have interacted with for the past few years that I finally had the chance to connect with this past weekend, and other friendships that were started and will continue. Rather than naming all of them and risking missing anybody (I love you guys!!) I’ll just say this: the Blog Frog rocks! And so do loyal readers. Wow.
• As long as I have been doing this, there is still so much to learn, and I wish that I could soak in some of the traits of the fabulous women that taught classes this weekend. The cool thing is that I have the confidence to do it. I’ve come farther than I thought I would with this blog, and I can keep improving. Now if only I can keep attending these conferences so that I can soak in more greatness, I’ll be happy.
• Between the free massage, the eyebrow waxing (not sure if that really fits into the “fun” category….), the swag, the friends, getting to drive a Lexus AND a BMW, and the fantastic concert with Mindy Gledhill and Cameron Rafati, I had more fun packed into 3 days than I typically pack into 6 months. Take a look at the amazingness (what? That’s not a word?) that is Cameron:
And then take a look at how close I was to him (heck, he put his arm around me and TALKED to me) and how cute he was with a big room full of mom bloggers acting like teenagers:
Intimate concerts are awesome. Awesome.
• I love blogging. Sometimes I think I let blogging and the stresses that come from meeting deadlines and feeling like I need to publish something every day get to me (did you notice that I didn’t post anything for over 2 days?!) but this weekend, some of the passion has returned. I might not be the best writer. Heck, I know I’m not the best at much, but I love what I do. I document my family’s life. I take pictures. I get to test out really cool stuff. And it is so cool that you guys are out there listening.
So cool.
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Wow, you captured some awesome shots from an awesome weekend! I wish I had the chance to chat with you a little more, but I enjoyed your talk on Friday!
.-= Camille´s last blog ..National Donut Day =-.
This sounds So amazing! I’m so glad you had such a wonderful time.
.-= angie´s last blog ..Iderma Skin Care System Giveaway-$100 =-.
I just realized I only tweeted that I loved all of your pictures. I have to say the speakers dinner looked divine. Wow, I want to be a speaker next time – not because I have anything to offer but because the dinner looks so good.
Thanks so much for spending time with me. You are an absolutely amazing woman and blogger :)
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Have you ever? =-.
I just love the fact that I caught him saying that on video. :)
The laughing pic is kinda funny, but I love the moment it caught. :)
Oops–and no, I did not get any of the texts. So strange!!
Our lunch was a highlight for me!! Thanks for making the trip out to hang with me! I am so happy that we finally met face to face. :)
Yay!! I’m glad I could help. It’s easy to lose that passion, isn’t it? But it can be just as easy to FIND it again….if you know where to look. :)
I AM proud! It was a great feeling. :)
That’s so cool! Yeah, I didn’t really want to wear a sign on Friday night that said, “Hey! I’m a speaker!” cuz, really, I’m just a blogger like everyone else. It was great to meet you, too!
I ended up coming home with way too many handouts. I guess I need to teach another class. :) Thanks for stopping by!!
I love that you noticed the shoes pic. It was just too fun to pass up. :)
I DID have a great time! I attended Jessica’s writing (finding your voice) class and loved it!!
I’m glad you got something useful out of the class! Thanks for coming! :)
If I had not been teaching in the AM, I probably would have had a very hard time convincing myself to get out of bed. By the end of Saturday, I was beat!!
I know!! Really, we need a whole weekend, undivided attention. How does a cabin in Lake Tahoe sound? ;)
Can I just say how much I love that Cameron called me a muppet?
Yes indeed, because I’m so uncool like that. LOL!
The laughing picture with CJane is hilarious! Mine is sort of like that but I am not laughing as hard in mine! So funny. I had a blast. It was so fun hanging out with you.
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..Reasons You Should Attend a Blogging Conference =-.
I SO wish I could have gone to your classes! BUT at least I had you for an hour at lunch (thanks for that…I had a great time and I NEEDED the time out).
By the way, I did have your number right (when you called the number I put into my phone didn’t register because I forgot to put in the 1 before the number). Have you gotten ANY of my texts (I think I sent two before lunch and one after)??
.-= Cecily R´s last blog ..Photo Story Friday and 365 Week 22 =-.
This is awesome. I need to go next year. I am losing my passion and just reading this and reaffirmed in me that I LOVE blogging. :)
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Maintain the Professionalism No Matter What =-.
Looks like a GREAT time:-)
Gorgeous photos… Sounds like you had a great time. I am sure you’re presentation was stellar!
You ROCK my love. It was so fun to see you, I just wish we could have spent more time together. Such is the life of blogging conferences.
.-= Kim´s last blog ..Who Needs Anthropologie? =-.
I wish I was able to make it to more conferences, the couple I’ve been to have been so much fun and inspiring.
.-= Melinda´s last blog ..I Am Very Lucky!!! =-.
Yay you! You must be so proud of yourself. I am jealous of all these conferences!
.-= Beth´s last blog ..Minnesota Blooms =-.
It was SO great to meet you at the Girls night out! I enjoyed hearing about your husband business. I didn’t realize you were one of the AMAZING speakers for the conference that night! It was so fun to see you on the list of speakers and say “HEY! I know her!” I hope we get to meet again someday! I’m excited to catch up on all your old blog posts. It’s so fun to find new blogs!
.-= Ashlee´s last blog ..guest blogger- Someday Crafts! =-.
It was such a fun weekend! I’m bummed I didn’t come to your panel. Thank you for the hand out with your tips, that was great!
So nice to meet you. :)
LOVE the montage! Seriously–fabulous! I missed your photog class but heard it was great. (I just could NOT get out of bed early enough to make it there…dang!) The Friday night social was awesome and I’m glad you caught some fun pics of my co-backup clapper Brandie. She rocks! Oh, and so do you!
.-= Emily´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Memorial Day & a moment of silence =-.
So jealous! I hoping to make it to a blogging convention next year.
Love the shoes pic!
I sat in on your photography class, and enjoyed every moment. Now I finally know what all those pictures on the dial stand for. THANKS!
Since I’m old and had to leave the hotel early enough to be at the conference center by 7:00, I was just too dang tired to go to go Friday night…but I heard all about that candy:-)
I have been reading account after account of the CBC conference and it sounds like, for it’s inaugural run, it was a huge success! One of my closest friends, Jessica Bern, spoke there and I loved hearing her account of things when she got back.
Sounds like despite severe exhaustion, you had a wonderful time!
Looking forward to getting to know you better, via your blog…and who knows, maybe one of these days I’ll get the nerve up to actually GO to one of these conferences, vs. just reading about them!
.-= Audrey at Barking Mad´s last blog ..Stream of Consciousness – You’re Only as Sick as Your Secrets =-.
No. No secret combination. I’m just cool and everyone likes me.
Ha! I was actually just in the right place at the right time ;)
How in the word did you make it into that limo? Are you part of a Secret Combination?
It was great to meet you. You and Vanessa did such an awesome job.
.-= Kristina P.´s last blog ..Making Sparks Fly =-.
Haha! Yes, you CAN say it.
YES the concerts were can I say this? my fav part :)
.-= vanessa´s last blog ..Don’t Miss Me TOO Much =-.