Christmas has been over for….well, long enough. I really should have shared these pictures by now, but as soon as we got home from our holiday trip to Florida, kids got sick, there were tasks to take care of and deadlines to meet. So here I am, after New Years, sharing our Christmas morning pictures.
These shots don’t require much commentary. Kids everywhere look just about the same on Christmas morning, don’t you think?
Just, please….do yourself a favor and put your drink down before scrolling down to the last picture. Necco was lucky and got some tongue action….and I was quick enough to capture the very moment it happened.
Ahhh. It was a good Christmas.
Linked up to Wordful Wednesday, Wordish Wednesday, and Wordless Wednesdays all over. Link your Wednesday post up below!
© 2011, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
thanks for share!
That’s actually my in-law’s tree. Ours (at home) this year was a table top tree. I really missed having a full sizer in our living room…..but I did NOT miss all the space a tree takes!
Nope. No mints. But she might have had a doggy Christmas treat. Definitely didn’t make her breath smell any better, though! LOL
You had to say that, didn’t you? LOL. I wasn’t thinking about it like that, but EWW! Now I am. ;)
Yes, wrong. And hilarious. We’ll be talking about that kiss for many Christmases to come. LOL
It’s true. Except for vacation, I usually don’t get all of the kids together in one shot. There are a few of my kids that seem to avoid the camera all the time!
Haha! I don’t think that dog’s kiss is blowing her hair back. She was pretty grossed out, too!
I thought about not sharing it….but it was too classic of a timed shot to pass on it!
Yes, that is a valuable lesson to teach your kids! LOL
And to think….a year ago, she was terrified of dogs. Like need-to-see-a-counselor-scared. Now, she’s kissing them. :)
She was pretty grossed out. In fact, there was a lot of ewws and gagging when everyone saw that! LOL
Looks like everybody had a great day!
(And, I love that your tree isn’t huge…just like ours!)
Beautiful family!
What wonderful pictures. I love seeing the happiness of Christmas morning.
That pic belongs on Ellen, I guarantee that it would be on the show *LOL* Hope the doggy had a mint!
Oh my — I’m just thinking about where that tongue has been.
Oh goodness that picture of Necco is so wrong, but so SO funny!
LOL That is something my dog would have done. EWW LOL
Never too late for fun xmas morning pics! Looks to have been a complete success. Thanks for sharing! Happy WW!
Looks like you had a GREAT Christmas:-)
Looks like everyone at your house is pretty happy with their presents.
So fun to see all your kids together! Looks like they enjoyed Christmas, too! :)
Cute photos! Love the last one.
Hi Lolli.
I’m loving your photos as usual.
Happy New Year :)
Those are perfect pictures. Looks like a great Christmas was had by all!
Umm Eww! But hey whatever blows your hair back right? But still…eww!
I so love that pic of your daughter sitting on the edge of the couch holding her “baby” So cute!
Great photos! I love your kids happy faces. :) And that last photo? I totally made the “ewwww” face and spit as if my dog had just tongued me. lol I think I need a drink. =P
Looks like a fun time.
love all those smiles :)
Ha ha! Love it! I always have to holler “keep your mouth closed!” at the 3yo when our puppy is loving on him. :D
dogs really are our best friends, aren’t they?
OMG… how grossed out was she!! I would have SO freaked out! :)