I was skyping with Janice from 5 Minutes for Mom last night, along with both of our youngest kids – her Olivia and my AJ. Janice asked AJ if he loved his mama. “Yes,” he declared.
Janice then asked, “Is she even better than ice cream?”
“Yes, I love my mama more than ice cream!”
And doesn’t it show?
Early that same day, he lovingly made me a weed-flower crown while we were at the park and then asked for my camera so that he could take a picture of his creation.

I feel loved.
Isn’t that a great feeling?
For more inspiring photos, check: 5 Minutes for Mom, High Impact Mom, The Bonafide Life, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Mom Blog, The Divine Miss Mommy, Colorado Moms, Rajean Blomquist, Brain Foggles and Zensible Mama and link your own photo stories.
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It is CRAZY how fast this kid is growing up! And my oldest daughter is planning how she can get into college. She starts applying next year. Life has really gotten away from me!
And SEE? Your coming to read this post, despite a slow page load time, is exactly what I was talking about. THIS is the kind of page view I love. ;)
I had to come and see the picture better when you explained it in your email : )
SO cute.
I love how wonderful your baby is. I can’t really believe how big he is getting : (
It makes me sad. Why do our babies grow up Lolli? I don’t like it one bit!
That is a beautiful feeling!
Awww what a sweet boy, and he did a great job with that flower crown <3
It was a very nice crown. You rocked the look. :)
Awww. So sweet!!
haha- You Are sweet as can be! I love the crown, he did an amazing job and I can see you were it proudly!
That is so sweet. My younger daughter loves to do things like that. And hug me A LOT to make me feel loved :)
That’s so sweet!
Awwww, so sweet.
Linking up for the first time here :) Thanks for hosting!
Those handmade crown your son made for you… that’s so precious. I’m sure it was a feeling unlike any other!
Really pretty shot he got of mama. He’s got your mad photography skills. Love the weed crown too. Just today, my four year old son presented me with a tiny yellow flower and a kiss. At first I thought it was a weed, but then I noticed it’s from our garden. Nothin’ better, I tell you!
I love your weed crown–it looks very regal to me! Happy WW!
I would do ANYTHING for a crown like that — it’s priceless!
He’s taking after his momma with the photography – fantastic shot. Love the flower crown. No way I’m calling that a weed :)
Awh, SO sweet. You should feel loved:)
That is the sweetest thing ever!
Oh my gosh, so absolutely adorable and heart warming! Nothing like our children’s love to make life worth it!
The boy has SKILLZ. And a pretty great Momma! :)
I was impressed with the photo. He cropped it and got it to focus and everything. :)
Wow. Butter and ice cream. We are two LOVED mamas!
Yes! And if you knew how much this kid loves sweets, then you’d realize just how much LOVE that is! lol
Yes! And he was so tender putting the flowers in my hair. It was sweet. :)
OK – here’s my secret. Since 2001 I have worn some kind of all-day lipstick (like Revlon ColorStay). I hate the way I look without lip color. So the fact that I’m wearing lipstick at the park simply means that I did my make up in the morning. It’s not that impressive. lol
I do find it amusing that you noticed, though. :)
Oh that is the best!!! You are loved mama :) Don’t kids just give us the best gifts!!
That is very sweet – and better than ice cream, that’s love!!!
My organized Chaos
Not only are you more awesome than ice cream, you’re wearing lipstick to the park. Who can compete with that?
Awwwww. Kids make me squooshy. Gracie once told me she loved me more than butter. Which at the time, coming from her was HIGH praise. :)
Aww. So stinkin sweet. Loved for sure.
What a lovely gesture. And he made a great photo. :-)
Man, that’s love!! I hope my guy loves me more than his Buzz light year. ;) Love the headband.
That’s the cutest thing!!! I heart you!
I think it is adorable that he made you a crown and wanted to take your picture! Too sweet!
It IS a wonderful feeling! And you look lovely and loved <3
That is so sweet! And he’s a good photographer too:)
That is a beautiful picture! I can definitely tell he loves his mama more than ice cream!