The other day, KitKt asked me why I was taking so many pictures of disgusting things. My answer was “It’s my new macro lens! It’s so cool to see things up close!”
Her response back, “Why would you want to see these things up close??”
Maybe it’s the season. It IS the week of all things creepy, isn’t it?
In case there was any question, these next little buggers are sugar ants on a piece of shredded mozzarella cheese. And to think that I used to squish them with my bare hands like they were nothing…..
Linked up to Wordful Wednesday, Wordish Wednesday, and Wordless Wednesday
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© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
The snake skin made me gag.
But the others were cool!!
So cool. This is my favorite kind of photography. Im still searching for a good affordable macro lens. Any suggestions?
So very cool! Photography is on my list of things to do when my kids are in school…
Duh! I know!! and ants love to hide in the sand… sneaky dudes….
Yep–I know exactly what you mean! The close ups of the ants gave me more detail than I wanted to know. I will never squish an ant the same again.
I get my lenses either on Amazon or eBay. Every one of them. I’ve had pretty good luck, too!
You should!! It’s been very fun. Making me totally branch out and try new things. Although what’s the difference, really, between my kids and these pests eating my food?
It’s something totally different from what I usually do with my camera, which is what I love so much about the new lens.
Oh, good. I’m glad it’s not just me and my attraction to creepy things. :)
I know! The pinchers and the hairy abdomens were almost more than I wanted to see, though! LOL
Thanks Harriet! It’s so good to see you. :)
Ahh, thanks! Please don’t bury your head in the sand, though. Sand is a pain to get out of hair…
I hope you’re going on a macro lens hunt, and not a hunt for ants (although that would be a pretty short hunt around here. The ants seem to be coming out with the slightly cooler weather).
Well, thank you! I consider that a great compliment. I mean, don’t they say that anyone can make a pretty subject look good, but not everyone can make an ugly subject shine? ;)
Me too! It’s funny how my new lens is “attracted” to the creepy shots. LOL
Thanks! With my kids in school all day, I’ve got to look for SOMETHING interesting to photograph. Why not ants? ;)
You should have seen my reaction when I stumbled across that snake skin. It was pretty big! Eek!
Those are awesome. Except the ants. Something about ants up close gives me the hee-bee jee-bees…so I think I’ll still squish them!
Your new lens rocks and so do these photos! So I’ve gotta know…where do you find the best deals on lenses because I’ve been looking around and I’m getting nowhere. I’m looking for a good macro lens or a fixed lens.
Happy WW! Thanks for stopping by and linking up. Have a great day Lolli. :)
Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud
Wow! That thing is awesome. I’ve never really even considered getting one, but it is very cool!
That is an awesome lens and you are a fabulous photographer! Excellent!!
I have a macro lens for my old 35mm film camera. Oh how I miss it. Taking super crazy close up shots is so much fun…..even of gross things. :)
Very cool! I would do the same if I had such a fancy schmancy micro lens like that. Great shots! :-)
Wow! Those are some fantastic shots. I love the ants on the slice of mozz. cheese. Such details that the naked eyes never sees.
Holy cow those are cool!!!
Have a great Wednesday!
Ok.. I need lessons! You are awesome!
Amazing photos!! Love them all!!
Wow, Lolli! These are so amazing.
Happy Wednesday!
Wow! that must be one powerful lens! your photos are so clear & beautiful, I want to hide my pitiful little point & shoot camera and bury my head in the sand… as long as there is no sugar ants near by! Gulp!
OMG that is the coolest! I love the aunts! Now I’m going on the hunt for one of those!
Your capture all things icky beautifully! And that takes skill! Haha
those are creepy but i’m loving your new lens.
Oooh!! I think those pictures are so cool!!!
Very cool! And gross. :)
Wow, you are getting some good shots! Those ants are pretty cool :)
These are all cool! The snakeskin is scary even! I love getting new lenses! :)