Twizzler has loved ketchup for a LONG time. We have given up telling him, “That’s too much ketchup! You don’t need that much ketchup!” because he REALLY does eat THAT much. He loves it. How many 7 year olds know the benefits of lycopene (or even know what it is)? Yeah, while he’s eating ketchup on everything from fries to hot dogs to eggs to chicken, he has been reading the back of the bottle.
So, the last time we ran out of ketchup, I jokingly said, “We should open two ketchup bottles this time, and let Twizzler use one, and the family use the other.” Twizzler thought that was a great idea. He wrote his name all over the bottle with a black Sharpie and wrote the start date: June 29th.
Here’s what the 2 bottles look like today: Family’s on the left, Twizzler’s on the right. That’s 6 people versus ONE 7 year old boy.Thank goodness it’s ketchup and not something worse. :)
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