I have many fond memories of holiday seasons form my childhood, though most holidays are blurred into one collective memory of late nights at Grandma’s house with cousins, music, and an abundance of good food.
I remember sitting around the piano singing Christmas carols with my aunts, uncles, and cousins while Grandma played the piano. I can picture Grandma and Grandpa’s tall Christmas tree by the front window and all of her hand made ornaments.
But it’s the holidays that were different that really stand out in my memory.
Like our first Thanksgiving away from our family in California – We weren’t quite sure how to celebrate Thanksgiving without all of the aunts, uncles, cousins, and Grandma and Grandpa (and all of the special dishes they each brought to the table) so we decided to have Thanksgiving dinner out. The food was decent, but it wasn’t what we craved (like Grandma’s strawberry jello salad or Aunt Connie’s crescent rolls or my apple pie).
But the thing that I remember most about that Thanksgiving was that the server filled my Sprite glass with water every single time she passed our table. It was depressing and amusing all at the same time.
I also remember the first Christmas my family spent in Portland, OR. We had planned on celebrating Christmas a few days early so that we could drive down to California to spend our traditional Christmas Eve with the extended family. We woke up on our fake Christmas to freshly fallen snow – our very first white Christmas ever.
But before we could grab the camera to take a picture of our beautiful, snowy backyard, the neighbor boys ran straight across the yard…because THEIR mom had told them not to run through THEIR backyard to ruin the perfect picture. Remember – this was a first snow for us. Exciting stuff.
Now I’m a mom with a family and holiday traditions of my own, but I’m still on the look out for new ways to create holiday memories. This past week, we ROCKED the family memories by spending all week in a vacation home in Florida with my husband’s entire family. I know this Thanksgiving will stand out in my kids’ minds as one of their best ever.
And now we’re totally ready to kick off the holiday season and continue making memories together.
Join the YesVideo Holiday Twitter Party and kick off the holidays with us!
When: TONIGHT, Tuesday, November 27th at 8:00 PM CST.
Where: Follow @YesVideo on Twitter and use the hashtag #Yesmemory {RSVP here}
Who: Join @YesVideo with panelists @RachelFerrucci, @MamaDweeb, @themommyfiles, @Zipporahs, and @ConnieFoggles
What: We’ll be discussing holiday decorations and party planning, and sharing our holiday shopping secrets.
Why: FUN and Prizes, of course!
#YesMemory Party Prizes include:
- DOOR PRIZE – Blu-ray Player {must fill out door prize form to be eligible}
- $50 Gift Card to CVS and $50 YesVideo Transfer Service Coupon
- $50 Gift Card to Walmart and $50 YesVideo Transfer Service Coupon
- $50 Gift Card to Costco and $50 YesVideo Transfer Service Coupon
- $50 Gift Card to Sam’s Club and $50 YesVideo Transfer Service Coupon
- iPhone Camera Lens Kit
Prizes will be given away randomly during the Twitter Party to people tweeting with the hashtag.
Must be in attendance of the Twitter Party using hashtag #YesMemory to be eligible to win prizes.
BONUS: Win a $20 gift certificate from YesVideo by tweting before the party
Every tweet counts as an entry. No maximum entries. Winners will be announced at 8:05pm CST Tuesday 11/27 at the @YesVideo #YesMemory Twitter Party. Simply tweet out one or all of the following to be entered:
Share #HolidayMemories at @YesVideo Twitter Party Tues 11/27 @ 8PM CST #YesMemory https://ow.ly/fyXXd RSVP to #win
Let’s talk #HolidayMemories w/ @YesVideo Tues 11/27 @ 8PM CST Win Gr8 Prizes RSVP today https://ow.ly/fyXXd #YesMemory
Hope to see you there!!
Note: I am a YesVideo Ambassador and receive compensation for my involvement. All thoughts and opinions (and family memories) are my own.
© 2012, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Okay that’s hilarious about the Sprite- and that totally sucks about the kids ruining the snow but at least you got a White Christmas! That’s awesome!