When I’m in department store, I always gravitate toward the handbag section. I love purses and would have a bigger collection of them if I could. So when Miche bags contacted me about reviewing one of their handbags, I couldn’t turn them down. Although I received product to review, no additional compensation was received and all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Wear it. Change it. Love it.
How often do you switch purses? Whether I’m switching purses because of the change of seasons or a change of clothes, I will inevitably forget something important in the transfer. I have so many things – cards, make-up, reminders, chargers, cords, gum, nail files, etc – hidden throughout my purse and more often than not I will just grab the “most important” things on the go, throw them into a new purse, and then find myself needing the things I’ve left inside the old handbag.
But, I have never been and doubt I will ever be satisfied with having just one purse at a time.
I’m guessing I’m not the only one who feels this way.
I was so excited to be introduced to Miche this Spring and try out their line of handbags with changeable fashionable shells to go over high quality base bags…I didn’t have to think twice before saying yes!
About Miche (pronounced MEE-CHEE)
I love this story…and it couldn’t be told any better than Miche’s own words: On the way home from work in the fall of 2004, a young homemaker did something most women have done—she spilled on her favorite handbag. Frustrated by the thought of hunting for a replacement then transferring all the contents, she wished there was a way to just change the outside of the bag. The idea immediately popped into her mind to create a bag with changeable covers. Not to be deterred by her lack of sewing skills, she grabbed her super glue and some scrap fabric, took apart the stained bag, and made the very first prototype. With her rough creation in hand, she set out on a mission to bring the Miche Bag to life.
The concept behind Miche bags is absolutely brilliant. Keep a core base bag with all your stuff in it and then change up the outside “shell” to go with your outfit – or mood – or the season. You don’t have to switch all of your stuff BUT you get the benefit of feeling like you’ve got a big collection of purses.
Both the bases and their coordinating shells come in 4 sizes: Petite, Classic, Demi, and Prima. Because I like to have my iPad in my bag…along with a bunch of other stuff…I went for the Prima size (the largest base).
I was impressed with how easily the shell fit over the base. It stayed together perfectly when using it for every day shopping and outings. I never thought twice about the fact that the base and shell were not one continuous unit.
Miche bags are high quality AND high fashion. And because you don’t have to buy a whole new purse each time you want to switch up your look, the Miche bag system is a very affordable way to expand your handbag collection.
Even the straps are customizable. After using my new purse for several days, I decided that I needed to get a strap expander, since a purse this size needs shoulder straps. However, I love that you can make the straps as long or as short as you’d like with a bunch of variables…and you can attach the straps on the ends like I did for these pictures or from the mid section of the base (notice the little black flaps). The round carabiners are sturdy, won’t accidentally come open while you’re using the purse, but are easy enough to adjust and change around. Best of both worlds!
What style purse do you go for? And – fess up – how often do you change purses?

Love this quote from Miche’s Pinterest page
Connect with Miche:
- Facebook: Facebook.com/OfficialMiche
- Twitter: @michedotcom
- Google+: +OfficialMicheBag
- Instagram: Instagram.com/OfficialMiche
- Pinterest: Pinterest.com/officialmiche
© 2014, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I change my purse all of the time since I have a Miche. Before I bought my first Miche and became a representative, I would basically carry one until it fell apart since I hated switching purses. I love the Miche concept, I wish I would have thought of it. I actually got to see Michelle Romero, Miche’s founder, at our national conference this year. She told the story in person, the funniest part was that she couldn’t remember what it was that she spilled on her bag.
The Prima bag shown here is my favorite, you can fit absolutely everything in it.
I’m so glad you love your Miche! I signed up with Miche November 2012 and have been hooked ever since! I always loved to coordinate my bag with my outfit but before Miche, I dreaded having to empty my bag to change my look. Now, it is effortless!!
We have a huge anniversary sale going on right now and a special Anniversary starter kit for $77! If you would like to start your own fashion business, now is the time! The growth potential is incredible – this product is unique and patented which means no one can purchase a Miche bag from anyone but a Miche Representative.
Want to know more, I’d be happy to answer any questions :)