It’s the first Sunday of yet another month (how is it October already??) and so it’s time for another edition of my monthly blogging prompts. One of these days I am going to be able to use all of these prompts…I hope! I always feel so inspired as I concoct the new list of ideas for the month.
October is kind of a special month for me, and this October is even more special than usual, as I get ready to celebrate the big 4-0. October is also the anniversary of starting my blog. Tuesday will be 7 years since I’ve been blogging!
That’s what’d on my mind these days….what’s going on in your life lately?
Blogging ideas and prompts:
- Halloween flashback – what was your favorite costume growing up? Bonus points if you have an old picture (I’m actually lying…I don’t give out bonus points)
- Halloween costumes today – do you DIY or head to the store?
- It’s fall baking season. Share a favorite fall-inspired recipe (think apples, pumpkin, etc)
- Share 5 ideas for a perfect Girl’s Night Out
- Fall crafts are my favorites – share a recent craft you’ve done…or if you’re not the crafty type, do a round-up of crafts you’d love to do
- If you had a whole day to yourself, what would you do with your time?
- Inspired by a current giveaway, tell about a time you’ve been given a 2nd chance
- Bed time routine tips – the newness of the school year has worn off and now the kids are going to bed later and later…
- How to freshen up and rotate your wardrobe from summer to fall
- What’s one Halloween candy you are compelled to sneak away from your kids’ trick-or-treat stash? (Bonus: make a dessert using your fave candy as an ingredient!)
- What are your favorite and least favorite things about fall?
- What are some of your memories from when you were in your child’s grade, and how is it different today?
- List 10 things you’re thankful for right now
- Go on a photo walk and snap pics of the fall colors – Enjoy nature and then share it with us!
- If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Or list your top 5 vacation destinations you love to visit or wish you could
Be sure to check out my previous #BlogPrompts posts and come back next month for more!
© 2014, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
What great ideas! I’m going to try and incorporate some of these in my posts this month!
Happy 40th, I’ll be turning 33 this month. Congrats on the 7 years of blogging. You listed a lot of questions to think about, perfect girls night, I just had the perfect girls day- I took off of of work and met my girlfriend, we used a pedicure groupon, went to eat at a restaurant where we split a bottle of wine, and then walked to the goodwill in the same strip mall a little tipsy, and bought some new old clothes, we had so many laughs.
I always got to steal the kit kats and reese mini cups.