Recently, on the way back from dropping the kids off at school, I stopped to chat with the crossing guard, a friend and neighbor of mine. Somehow the conversation got onto the topic of the food we eat, exercise, and the difficult task of maintaining a healthy weight after kids and middle age.
I have several things against me at this stage of my life: I have had 5 kids. My body knows that well. I had significant muscle tearing in stomach with each child. Add to that the fact that I am now in my upper 30s AND I sit at a computer all day, with much less unintentional exercise than I did when I was chasing little ones around.
I have to watch myself every day to make sure that I don’t spend my entire work time snacking. One of my very best defenses against snacking is having plenty of water to drink. If I fill my belly with water, I don’t get as tempted to reach for the snacks. However, I frequently crave some FLAVOR, as water and only water can get a little boring. That’s where flavored water comes in.
What if your water had ADDED health benefits, beyond the simple wonder of water? Well, that’s where OMEGA water can help.

Omega Water currently comes in four flavors: Berry Breeze, Orange Splash, Lemon Squeeze and Fruit Fusion. Each bottle has more than 100% of the Recommended Daily Intake of Vitamins B3, B5, B6, B12, C and E as well as 100mg of Omega-3 EPA/DHA.
Our bodies cannot naturally produce the nutrients found in Omega-3 so we must get them from outside sources. Recent studies have shown several potential benefits of Omega-3’s, including:
· Improvement of cognitive function in both children and adults
· Help with psychiatric disorders such as depression
· Increased mental focus and motivation
· Reduced stress levels and mental fatigue
· Reduced macular degeneration
· Strengthened red blood cells which may improve blood pressure, heart rate and vascular function
· Possible anti-cancer benefits
· Potential to counter inflammation
· Higher level of satiety and appetite reduction
Our family received a package with each of the flavors to try, and they were so popular in my house that they were gone almost instantly. My kids and I loved the flavor – light and not too over-powering or artificial-tasting. I just wished I didn’t have to share them…
How do you ensure that you are getting the nutrients that your body needs? And how do you encourage and maintain healthy habits daily?
To learn more about Omega Water, visit their website at Omega Water can be purchased online at Amazon and is also available in select states. Follow Omega Water on twitter – @O3Water
Disclosure: I was sent Omega Water for my family to try and was compensated for my time to write this post, but all thoughts are my own.
© 2012, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I could really use this. I only wish they sold some where I am :( Like you there are times that I crave a drink with flavor but unfortunately i have a gastric illness where i can’t take most fruit juices, coffee, chocolate or dairy because they’re acidic but this Omega drink sounds fine.
I know what you mean about the lack of unintentional (and intentional) exercise. I am getting off my Blogger Butt this year and getting myself healthy too!