Could we really be into week #5 of the Budget Bootcamp challenge? Yes, we could. This week, the challenge was simple. Or was it? Hmm. Maybe it wasn’t so simple.
The Challenge:
You’ve started collecting coupons. Now it’s time to organize those coupons!
So let me get this straight. My trusty old envelope isn’t going to cut it? Do you mean to tell me that it takes more than clipping the coupons that I want to use and sticking them in my purse? Ah-ha!
I learned something this week. I still have a long way to go to master couponing, but I took a step in the right direction. I went from my old envelope (or a side pocket in my purse!!) to a much cuter, much sturdier plastic file that can fit in my purse (just excuse the black and white scan!) There are dividers inside for organizing, but most importantly I am determined to put the right things in there to begin with!
Here are some of the things I learned about organizing coupons this week:
- If you’re going to clip coupons, don’t ONLY save the coupons that you think you’ll want to use right away. Brilliant idea!! How often have you clipped just a few coupons from the paper and then later on found a great deal at a store that could have been made even better with that coupon you recycled a week before? I know that it has happened to me. So now I vow to clip and file MORE coupons (no need to clip cat food coupons or coupons for Depends or anything like that….).
- If you’d rather not clip a bunch of coupons (too many loose papers to keep track of?), you can keep the circulars and inserts in a folder, binder, etc organized by date. I had never thought of doing it this way!
- Try a few different methods or variations on the clipping or not clipping methods until you’ve found your ideal fit.
I think I am a clipper, though I vow to clip MORE than I have in the past. But in addition to that, I have started hanging on to the store circulars and store-specific coupons without clipping them so that I can better plan my shopping trips. I have not mastered this yet, but I am learning. Beth’s e-course on Coupon Organizing has certainly helped! Clair always has great tips, too! She says:
“Without a coupon organization system, you’ll be less likely to use them and more likely to completely forget about them or avoid them, because you can’t find anything. Plus, with your coupons organized, you’ll be able to quickly plan your shopping trips.”
How do you manage your coupons? Are you ultra organized or do you stuff (and lose) your coupons in the bottom of your purse like I did?
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I love your organizer. So cute! This was a great challenge wasn’t it!
I am a binder person too. I have a stockpile now where I only buy stuff that is on sale AND I have coupon for that item. It has really helped to reduce our grocery bills.
I have been reading the e course too. What a difference it is making in how I use coupons. I’m a clipper too. Hope you have a great week!
I wish I was better at using coupons. Your tips are great, I use a file type envelope and now that my kids are getting older-I ask them to search for the coupon I need in the car before we arrive at our destination, whether it’s the grocery store, dept store, or dinner.
I’m a binder person, and then I rely on a site to tell me what sales to match with what coupon that came out which week.
In the front, I have baseball card holders where I keep other coupons–the ones that I might use because I’ll probably buy the item even if it’s not on sale, and I’ll want a coupon for it!
It’s been a lifesaver for me, and when I don’t use my system, the budget notices.
I used to be a clipper, but clipping and the trying to sort through them became too time consuming to be worth it for me.