Our neighbors left for a beach vacation yesterday and asked us to fish-sit their pet goldfish, Marshmallow, who is from the 2011 County Fair. Yes, a one-year-old goldfish.
I decided NOT to tell them that we’ve never had much luck keeping goldfish alive for more than a couple of weeks, let alone a whole year.
A little pressure?
For more inspiring photos, check: High Impact Mom, The Bonafide Life, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Mom Blog, The Divine Miss Mommy, Colorado Moms, Rajean Blomquist and Zensible Mama and link your own photo stories.
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This made me smile! So cute.
LOL!!! Those pictures are adorable!
I once had some goldfish that we couldn’t seem to kill no matter how much we neglected them! Luckily my kids have not asked for any fishy pets… yet!
Sorry I am so late to the party! Life is getting away from me lately!
I love the hug-able container. Great pictures!
We had 5 beta fish that I couldn’t get to die to save my life. When we finally gave them away one by one they died within a week. We kept two (that no one would take) and those suckers would not die. I finally flushed them down the toilet. :)
These pictures are GREAT!
We had a beta for a little over a year! Good luck! ; ) And cute pics!
A year old goldfish?! How on earth does anyone manage that?
I love the fact that it’s little bowl is actually a vase. So cute!… but not cute enough to make me try a goldfish again!
Oh my- I just love those expressions!!! Too cute!
Um, we’re not good at the goldfish keeping either. I avoid pet stores anymore because I hate to hear the kids ask for another fish that we’ll just kill in some way.
ROFL That goldfish is huge!
Oh goodness, I’d be so nervous!! Haha, have fun though! :)
Oh the facial expressions are amazing!
Did it survive? Oh the humanity!
Well, the fact that you kept one alive for a year is better than what we’ve been able to do. Ever.
Love this! We haven’t had much luck with goldfish either. The one goldfish we managed to keep alive for a whole year died because of us. Surprisingly, it survived an ice storm, no heat/electricity in our home for a week and an icy surface it its fishbowl. We were amazed! But then it died during our move from Kentucky to Georgia. We accidentally left it in the hot car for a few hours. Whoops! :(
Yeah. Don’t remind me! lol
Aww. cute photos!
Oh my gosh. I’d be in total panic mode over that. Marshmallow’s life depends on you!