Just in time for Valentine’s Day….Reese fell in love at the park.

By the way, notice that Reese is wearing short sleeves at the park in February?? Unheard of!
PS – the puppy is NOT ours…
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Adorable!!! You definitely need to frame this one… :)
Beautifully lit photo! The weather is really crazy every where this season.
She does look beautiful and natural holding that little puppy. But I can’t tell you how many times a day I’m a mean mom and say no to a pet. I know. But I simply can’t see adding more responsibility and I can’t give in to my younger ones because my older ones would be ticked off!
Yep. It’s snowing! Nothing has stuck quite yet, but we’re supposed to get a couple inches. :)
Oh no. Don’t even suggest that. lol Haven’t you heard? I’ve got my hands full already. My house is quiet during the day….the last thing I need is a puppy pulling me away while the kids are at school. :)
Oh, I don’t think we’re quite ready for that…. :)
Crazy! So is it snowing there today? I know Amanda mentioned that it’s snowing in her neck of the woods. I’m so jealous. I want snow!
Today we have snow. It’s been a very strange winter!!
It has been warm. I even went without my coat that day. I know…crazy!
Oh, yes. I’m very sure. :)
We had several days of mid 60s, which feels incredible in the middle of winter. It’s been a crazy year!
But perhaps a puppy COULD be yours????? Very cute!
That puppy is super cute!
Aww.. They are both adorable! Such a great picture. I imagine it was hard for her to put that little guy down!
Very cute– they look like they belong together. lol
Happy WW to you!
We are dog lovers. My son has one similar to the one in your photo. Your little girl is adorable! Blessings to you from NanaHood.com
now you have to get one!
Beautiful picture but is she crazy in short sleeves?? The dog is adorable!
What an adorable photo. And I am jealous you guys have weather for short sleeves. Currently 27 degrees here, burr
Aww, what a couple of cuties! My dog-crazy 9-year-old drools over every dog she sees at the park too. :)
So sweet!
We have had warmer weather this year than usual as well, and nearly no snow at all!
They look so in love! (Are you SURE that pup isn’t going to be yours? )
Happy Early Valentines!
SO sweet!!! My daughter asks for a puppy all the time… I can’t even imagine how excited yours is over this! :)
Lolli, that is such a sweet pic of your little girl. In short sleeves. In February. With someone else’s puppy. :)
Awe – I would too, that puppy is so sweet!!!
Nice photo!
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