Every once in a while it’s fun to spotlight one of the kids. Today the spotlight is on Necco. During the last year or so, she has really blossomed, and we have become so close. I am proud to say that she has shown an interest in a lot of the things that I love. As a mother, that is such an exciting thing! Necco is a natural with little kids. She’s the one I count on to help with AJ–she is so good with him! She has written dozens of stories. She has a photographic eye, she loves music, she is an awesome cook, and she is quick to pick up new crafts and skills. Just tonight, she said to me (while spontaneously helping me make dinner) “Cooking is my 2nd favorite thing. My first is writing, and my third is making things like blankets.” (she didn’t even know I was writing this about her today)
In October, she decided to try again to learn to crochet (she had mastered the chain stitch earlier) and she totally got it! She made this small blanket for one of her teachers who is having a baby. I was 11 when I crocheted my first blanket for a teacher, so she’s almost 2 years ahead of me. :)Last night, we went to her very first concert! She was so excited! She started taking violin at school this year….This concert was a big step for her, because after this week, they start learning to use the bow (up til now they’ve been plucking the strings only).
Just a cute picture of AJ from the concert.
The violins:
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