Stink bugs. They are everywhere. Everywhere!
A few other things that stink:
- Broken dishwashers
- Failed electrical systems in houses
- 4 hours of sleep at night
- Dirty bathrooms
- Lost things
- Peeling nail polish
- Forgetting to transfer the laundry to the dryer (eww! stinky!)
- Headaches
- Backaches
- Obligations that prevent nap-taking in the middle of the day
I’m in an uncharacteristically rotten mood. I’m chalking it up to lack of sleep and over cast skies. What’s bugging YOU today?
Today’s featured product on OpenSky is Tegu Discovery set. Tegu blocks make a perfect children’s toy, executive desk toy, and designer gift. Made from sustainably sourced, FSC-certified, eco-friendly Honduran wood. Magnetic connections between the blocks make for novel play that defies gravity and increases a child’s creative freedom. Premium, heirloom-quality toy that will last for generations.
I’ve still got 2 50% off codes. Use FIFTYBULK to get half off your next purchase!
© 2010 – 2012, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Bugs do stink!!!
We were actually having a conversation at work today about “stinking” and a bunch of us agreed that if someone is a meany, it’s way more insulating to say “You stink”, then any other expletive.
thanks for sharing your WW
Oh, poor Laura! I feel for you. Wishing you a much better day from here on out!
Sick dogs, throwing up all over the kitchen. That stinks too. ;-)
I work in the nursery at church and one of the kids opened a window for all of 2 minutes and in that time 50+ stink bugs came in and covered the walls and ceiling.
The stink bugs (and other bugs in general) are crazy this year. I wonder if it’s a regional thing?
Hi I am Nicole from I found you through a blog hop and wanted to drop by and say hi. I really like your blog, and am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance.
great shot! We have them too :)
That is a fantastic shot!! Sounds like you need to join up with FFOs to get all that off your chest. Haha. Happy WW!
That my boss can’t get me a paragraph written before FRIDAY! I know he is busy, it still is stinky.
Yuck, I Hate bugs! I think everyone is feeling uncharacteristically blah, something about Fall, rainy weather, no sun……
Ugh, we’ve been having bug issues lately. They’re so annoying! Besides dirty bathrooms, I’ll add: dirty every room. Sigh.
Great shot. I have a spider photo up for my WW. :)
I hate it when I forget to move things to the dryer too. I am not big on bugs either.
Great picture… Link the list. lol. Thanks for linking up to my very first Wordish Wednesdays hop. I hope you have a great rest of the week.
xo, Supermom Alysha