There is a chance that this may be my last blog post for a few days.
I’m sure I will miss it much more than any of you will miss me. Today and tomorrow, the storm of the century is hitting the Washington DC area, and some of our neighbors have already lost power. We have prepared as much as we could, with kerosene for our heater, water in all of our available pitchers, flashlights and oil lamps sitting out on the kitchen table. I also gave the floor a good vacuuming and dried my last load of laundry (as if that will last long!).
As soon as I’m finished typing this post out, I am hopping in the shower (where I hope I will NOT be taking my last warm shower…).
As scary as snow storms like this can be, with the real possibility of not having power for several days (which not only means COLD temps in the house, but also no movies for the kids and no computer for me) I am feeling very peaceful about this storm. You could even say I’m feeling Fishful. I am looking forward to a few days in the house with my family, a few days of simplicity, without the option to drive anywhere or be anywhere else. Together.
After all, February IS Optimism month.
This storm is going to be awesome!
Plus, didn’t I mention that snow is really good for pictures? That’s something to be happy about, right?
PS–If you don’t hear from me for a few days, rest assured that we’ll be fine. I’ve scheduled the Bloggography Shutter Speed challenge post to go up on Tuesday morning….along with a special related giveaway! Please stop by!
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Oh, we did lose power. For about 18 hours. Luckily, it came back on last night. I added a new post this morning with the pictures from yesterday. Many more to come. :)
.-= Lolli´s last blog ..Lids Don’t Make Good Snow Shoes =-.
I know exactly how you fell..because I’m in the exact same storm! Yup, we got about 3.5 feet of snow here in the Baltimore area, not too far from you. Thankfully we only lost power for 30 seconds, but I know many are still without power right now. If you did lose your electricity, hang in there! And I can’t wait to see your snow-storm pics. I’ve posted a few myself…have a great SITS day!
.-= Multiple Personalities´s last blog ..February Snowstorm, Part 2: Sundays in My City =-.
I am in Connecticut and I was hoping for us to get hit, we didn’t even end up with A FLAKE! I was sooo bummed out.
Snow gives me an excuse to get things done around the house…
Oh well! Maybe next time right?
Stoppin’ by from SITS!
Cool! Next time I’m in Harrisburg, I’ll have to let you know. We’re not that far (we’re off of 270)
I had no idea that we’re so close to each other! I’m near Harrisburg, PA, just about 90 minutes from DC.
We ended up with about 23 inches of snow, but we didn’t lose power or anything. Good luck!
.-= Tara @ Feels Like Home´s last blog ..Grace Did Not Enjoy Playing in the Snow =-.
Here’s where I realize how lucky we were that we didn’t lose power, because I didn’t stockpile water or batteries and we don’t have a generator or anything. We would have been up a creek. I did look out at our power lines at one point, noticing how low they were from the snowy branches hanging on them and got VERY nervous.
Glad to hear your power is back on! Fingers crossed it stays that way!
.-= Carabee´s last blog ..Stages =-.
We have a kerosene heater, so every time the temp would drop to 67, we’d crank it up. The heater makes our house go up to about 78 within 30 minutes of running it, and it takes a few hours for the temp to drop back down.
As far as what we did, there was a lot of reading, playing with legos and playmobil, and shoveling going on today.
That totally sucks! What did you guys do? Weren’t you cold?
.-= Jen @ buried with children´s last blog ..There are Super Heroes Living in my House =-.
It has been a crazy storm. So much snow! But we are fine. We lost power for about 18 hours, but it is finally back on. We stayed warm, our food stayed cold, the kids stayed happy, and we’re all safe. Couldn’t ask for anything more.
I’m so glad you found me! Thanks for the visit. I’m getting ready to share my snowy pictures in the next few that our power is back on!
I got several pictures of the snow today, but I’m not sure how well they will depict how bad it really was (IS!). We lost power for about 18 hours, but we;ve got it back again. It was a fun family day!
I am so glad I had my warm shower last night, because we ended up losing power at 2:30 this morning. We played inside most of the day (it continued showing til the afternoon). And luckily, our power came back on tonight! Yay!
It WAS as bad as I thought. Our power went out at 2:30am, and came back on about 18 hours later. Lovely. It was quite a pleasant day, though. I told my husband that a second or third day without power would NOT be so pleasant, though!
It IS a great site, and I love how it has changed my outlook on so many things!
The snow HAS been overwhelming. I can’t believe how many times we had to shovel our steps. Our street has not been touched. We ended up losing power for 18 hours. Luckily, we’ve stayed warm and happy. :)
Ugh! I hope you were ok! Having no power without a heater, a shovel, or a husband would be horrible! We lost power for about 18 hours, but we had a heater (we even had hot chocolate!). I am going to be hurting tomorrow after all the shoveling I did!
Thanks! We survived the day very well. Lost power at 2:30 am, and it’s been going back on (and then off again) for the last hour and a half. I’m hoping that it’s here to stay (8:55 pm) One day without power is enough!
Good luck weathering that storm!!
I just stumbled upon your blog, and it is FANTASTIC! I cannot wait to see oyur lovely snowy photos! Hope you are staying warm and safe.
Wow, you are being really optimistic about this. We havent had a snow storm like that this year (and I hope we dont). But I know that when it’s coming the best thing is to be prepared and it sounds like you’re ready! Good luck and have fun taking pictures :)
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Week in Review, GMYBS, and a Virtual Girls Nite Out =-.
I will pray for warm water and continued optimism just for you! Good luck enjoy some family time!!
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..Two Ways to Help Haiti =-.
Good luck! I hope its not as bad as you think.
.-= Jen @ buried with children´s last blog ..There are Super Heroes Living in my House =-.
Stay safe and warm…I like how you think! That website is GREAT…I plan on doing a lot more reading over there. Thanks for sharing.
I hope your electricity holds! So far so good, here in Northern VA. I just spent five minutes outside staring at the snow with a shovel in my hand. Then I turned around and went inside. It’s just overwhelming!
.-= Colleen´s last blog ..You Capture: Frosty Faces =-.
I hope you still have power! I’ve been praying as our power flickers. I don’t have a generator or a heater and we use cloth diapers too. Oh, and I also don’t have a husband or a snow shovel. I may never be seen again after all of this snow!
.-= Heather@It’s Twinsanity´s last blog ..Do I Get Brownie Points If I Really Am Snowed In? =-.
Good luck hunkering down for the storm. I hope ya’ll don’t loose power. Stay Warm and Dry :) Oh I have an award for you on my blog too.