I am convinced that there is nothing quite like working at home. As much as I love what I do – I write all day long, I get to interact with amazing people all over social media and my business trips feel more like extended girl’s nights out – I have a tendency to work myself to the bone. Because I don’t have an office to drive to or set hours I need to clock in for, I end up at my computer most of the day.

Here are some of my Pros and Cons of working at home:
- I am home when the kids get home from school every day.
- I don’t have to spend any time or money on a commute.
- I can wear whatever I want to work.
- I love what I’m doing and I don’t have to move to find a good job.
- My schedule is flexible – if I need to volunteer at school or pick up a sick kids or watch my neighbor’s son for a little while, I can.
- Great perks!
- I can take a day off whenever I need to.
- I can exercise right in the middle of my work day.
- My husband works at home, too, so although we are both work-a-holics right now, at least we see each other and help each other out.
- I have a tendency to stay in the clothes that I slept in.
- I don’t have any benefits, although I have plenty of PERKS.
- Because I don’t have a standard 8 hour work day, I end up working all the time, with breaks here and there.
- Not everyone understands that I really do have a job.
- Taxes.
- I rarely make time for a day off.
For me, the Pros outweigh the Cons, particularly the fact that I can be earning money right now (which I really need to be doing) but still be home with my kids. However, I’ve been working more than usual the last few weeks and I am wearing myself down. Today the kids are home from school and I have decided to take the day off. It’s not something that I do very often, and it’s rather sad that I have to plan it. But I think a day off and especially a day spent with my kids is exactly what I need.
I love my job. But love my kids more.
Do you work at home? What are some of your work-related pros and cons?
I am excited to be a Blogalicious Ambassador and to have the chance to spread the word about this upcoming amazing conference opportunity. To prepare for Blogalicious Weekend on October 21-23, I will be sharing weekly blogging, writing, and conference-related tips. I would love to hear your questions and suggestions of topics that you would love to have covered!
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I love working from home but I have many of the same cons you mentioned. I am trying to schedule things and really stick to it. Easier said than done!
I love working from home!! I am breaking into the weight loss mentoring and writing field. Love setting my own time to do things, but your right I tend to stay in my pajamas all day long. Isnt that the joys though? Love this blog!! Keep up the good work… Stop by my blog and share some thoughts.