Here’s what Tabitha from Fresh Mommy Blog says about Sunday Citar:
“Have you come across a quote that inspired you? Or made you want to spit? Or made you smile? Or reminded you of someone special? Or reminded you of someone you try not to remember? Well, share it! Sunday Citar was born out of my desire to learn more through what others have said before. You may find it enjoyable to do the same!”
I read this quote this week while visiting with a friend, and it has stuck with me for days.
“In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of even greater importance.”
This photo is a little sneak peak at what we did this weekend…..More to come this week!
And this is the week that I should be moving over to WordPress, so if you come back and things look a little wacky, please be patient!
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