My older children are very curious about what my preschooler, AJ, does all day long while they are in school and he and I are home alone for 6 hours. None of them ever had regular and prolonged time alone with mom. There was always always another sibling around to play with.
AJ, on the other hand, has been my sole companion for the last few years while the other kids have been off filling their brains at school.
Has AJ suffered? I don’t think so.
However, the other day, after an exciting day of fort building behind Mommy’s computer, when AJ heard KitKat come through the front door at the end of the school day, he called her upstairs.
“Come see my fort that Mommy and I made!” he shouted to her.
Instead of saying how cool his fort was, KitKat turned to me and said, “Wow, he must be REALLY bored all day.”
AJ didn’t miss a beat. Still excited and proud, he showed everyone his fort as they came home. He even convinced Daddy to sleep with him in his fort. Yes, that is MY bed the fort is built on and NO they did not end up sleeping in it. I like my bed un-forted, thank you very much.
Sometimes, while I am working on my computer or vacuuming the floor or putting another load of laundry in the washing machine, I feel sorry for AJ, alone with me all day long. I’m certainly not as exciting or entertaining as a sibling.
And then he climbs up on to my lap, holds my hand, and says, “I love you, Mommy.” And I know he is just fine.
He’s just fine.
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
He is using so much creativity when playing alone! And, clearly, he’s quote proud of himself. Good for him!
.-= liz´s last blog ..Can Somebody Tell Him? =-.
The end of this post is just so sweet. <3
.-= Kristen´s last blog ..excited about the lectureship! =-.
So you are impersonating me all over the blogosphere or maybe I am impersonating you? ;)
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Parenting 101 =-.
I think he’s benefiting too. I felt good about keeping him home with me this year rather than sending him off to preschool. I’m glad we’ve done it this way.
We do have fun together. And lucky for me, he’s independent like I am, so he enjoys playing on his own…as long as I am near-by.
Oh, yes, we’ll have lots of fun and plenty of time together this summer!
I laughed when I thought of that word last night, and had to type it in. I just held myself back from making a comment about my bed being fArted (I left it up to my readers’ imaginations!) And I see you have a good one….
Thanks for the reminder! I actually just posted another post (a more Wordless one…although I can rarely leave a post completely Wordless!).
I kind of wish now that I could have had more moments like that with my other kids. When my first daughter was the only child (her first 2 /2 years) I didn’t appreciate it as much as I do now, with my last.
That’s just a little part of my worry for next year. He really does like having me all to himself, and I worry that he might be my first to have troubles going to school. ;)
I think we might have to make another fort today! As long as I can take it down again before bedtime. :)
He may be smart, but he was simply the designer of that fort. He told me where to put everything, but I was the hanger-of-blankets. My bed is perfect for forts!
It really is a special time. As a mother of lots of kids, it’s a very unique opportunity for me, and I love it!
Great photo and I loved your little story too. I often think the same about my youngest, but then I realize we are so fortunate to spend this time together.
.-= Run DMT´s last blog ..Allana’s Crazy Hair Day =-.
Have I ever told you that when I am logged out of my WP account, somehow I leave messages as you? It is the freakiest thing. I don’t usually check before leaving a comment or a reply to see if I’m logged in. So when I pop up as you, it always startles me.
I wouldn’t be surprised. You should hear some of the questions he asks me!
It’s true. The house is really quiet when he’s not around. I’ll miss him next year!
I think it is an amazing fort and I think he is benefiting from getting some serious alone time with mommy!
.-= Dee´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Grass =-.
Awww…he’s such a sweetie. And, totally enjoying his time home with you.
very cute, we love building forts too
.-= Kristen´s last blog ..Becuase I am MAD…. =-.
How sweet! I miss those days home alone with the kids but summer is coming soon:-) A rainy day fort sounds like just the ticket!
Awww, what a sweetie. To me it looks like you two are having a blast together. Great fort!
.-= Allison´s last blog ..Playtime with Dad-oo =-.
Oh he IS just fine. Of that I have no doubt.
You said un-forted. It made me laugh. I am so a 12 year old boy.
.-= Cecily R´s last blog ..Wordful Wednesday and 365 Week 12 =-.
What an awesome fort! I just love those sweet little mommy-and-me moments. Aren’t we so fortunate to be able to stay at home with our children?
Great Wordless Wednesday post…as usual. I’ve got Mr. Linky up again this week if you’d like to stop by and link up. I’m also hosting my very first giveaway for breastfeedin mamas. :) Have a Happy Wednesday.
Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud
.-= Kristi {at} Live and Love…Out Loud´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – The Anatomy of a Flower =-.
=) So sweet. Because of spacing, I had time home alone with all of my children, and I still cherish it to this day.
Of course he is! He gets to spend his days with the the light of his life every day. I am sure there is nowhere he would rather be :)
.-= debi9kids´s last blog ..My (Almost) Birthday Boy =-.
Aww, he really is just fine. And I love that fort, and this post… and I like to sleep in an un-forted bed as well! LOL
.-= Tabitha Blue´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday + Contest =-.
That is so awesome about his fort. He is so dang smart and hilarious…I can’t believe he built that whole thing himself!
I’m home alone all day with my 2.5 yr old and while there are times it would be nice if she had a playmate, I love being with her, just the two of us. Which is probably why there are no plans to expand our family yet. Maybe someday…
He is just fine and totally sweet. :)
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Parenting 101 =-.
That is cool. He sounds like he has a great imagination. Future engineer.
So cute!!
My older boys ask what my youngest does all day while they’re in school too. I always just say “he keeps mommy company.” LOL
.-= Heather´s last blog ..The Interview =-.
That almost makes ME teary hearing that you got a little teary! Yes, it’s all part of being a Mom. :)
What a great post! I feel the same about my youngest but she seems okay too! I got a little teary….. not sure why. I guess I am just a MOM! haha
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..Five Question Friday =-.