On Twizzler’s 10th birthday this past Sunday, I wrote about the top 10 things I love about him. After I was finished, I asked Twizzler to make a list of his 10 favorite things. This is what he listed, in specific order:
- Meat (besides clam. Yuck!)
- Italian food
- Legos
- Playmobil
- Sleeping
- Ketchup
- Friends (people I actually like)
- Potatoes
- Computer games/ wii games
- Day dreaming and thinking about my life
Kind of made me wonder what I’d put on my own 10-favorite-things list this month.
What about you?
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Well happy birthday to your big guy. Most of my favorite things list would include food I’m sure.
Love those shots and that list:-)
Sleeping!! Me too!!
OMG his list is sooooooooooo cute! I’m going to steal your idea if you don’t mind in June for J’s 7th b-day.
Ketchup – haha! :) Hope he has an awesome birthday!
I love that look of the blue in the snow and the background. It just makes it seem all that much more wintery! :D
I love that he put “daydreaming and thinking about my life” How introspective and cool!
Love the photos! (as always)
Love the pictures! :)
Hmmm…I know my iPhone would be on my list of favorite things. :)
His list made me giggle. My 9.5 year old would have listed “steak” as number one. I’m sure the rest of her list would be very similar to his, too. I’ll need to remember this for her 10th birthday. :-)
I loved the photos too! What a handsome boy!
Hi Lolli.
That is too cute.
Hope you are doing well :)
Have a great day!
Love the photos and the top ten list. I find ketchup a fun response. I think I will make my top ten list with my kiddos. Great idea! happy Wednesday!
Clearly you were 14 when you had him, because there’s no way you’re a day older than 24 ;)
I loved it..
Day Dreaming and Thinking About Life…
great list…
Meat? #1? That is SO funny!
Love his list. The kids are super cute.
It would be fun to see how his 10 things changes in a few months. I’m a new follower.
Life Music Laughter
What a fantastic idea!
I love lists – I do an interview of sorts with my oldest on her birthday every year. If I had to make a top 10 favorite things list right now, I think number one might be sleep!
That is a great list!!!
That’s a neat list!
thanks for the linky :)
I like the way he thinks! Friends and sleeping would definitely be on my list too, as well as Diet Dr Pepper & Reese’s Minis.
happy birthday to that handsome little man!
I love the last picture!
Love the list idea – and the photos too! :)
Love the snow photo.
What a great idea for a birthday. And love the list. Not sure what’d make my top 10, but my kids would most definitely be on there. Happy WW!
I love your photos. It’s so funny that the #1 item on the list is meat!
My sons love any type of meat, too, though I always thought that was a side effect to my vegetarianism.
That’s a pretty great list! Especially day dreaming and thinking about his life. How precious is that?
adorable boys! i like his no. 7 friends (people i actually like) LOL
Love the vivid colors in the second shot and I SUPER love his list! Sounds like my top 10 except it’s missing my hubby and son ;)
Those last 2 photos are awesome and the look on your son’s face in that first photo reminds me of my kids. :) Happy birthday to Twizzler! Love his list. :)