I love Christmas.
I love the candies and the cookies.
I love watching the excitement on my children’s faces as the exciting day approaches.
I love the music, the lights, the magical atmosphere that is EVERYwhere.
I love the smell of pine and freshly baked Christmas goodies.
I love it, I really do.
But shopping for 5 children and various family members, mailing 200 Christmas cards, the cooking and baking, the mess that a wonderfully-smelling tree leaves every day, and now, this year, the preparations for a week-long car trip out of state. It’s all good.
But I have less than a week left.
Where did the time go?
When am I going to fit everything in?!
This is the time for the Christmas time panic to set in.
How do you fight it?
PS–since a few of you asked….no, that is not my house. I can’t even imagine. No, that’s a Christmas creche display at the Washington DC LDS temple visitors Center, where we made a visit yesterday. :)
© 2009, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I’m totally stressing at this point!! I did all of that cookie baking and decorating to donate………I’ve haven’t baked a single cookie for my family yet – haven’t done ANY wrapping, I still need to shop a little……..yikes!!
Hope you’ll join in tomorrow, I’m hosting Christmas Traditions and Memories for the Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash!!
.-= TidyMom´s last blog ..Decorating Christmas Cookies {Butter Cookie Recipe} =-.
Last week I was feeling a bit overwhelmed but this week has been productive and I’ve been getting a handle on things. My son was home sick at the beginning of the week which kept me in and I used the time to start my wrapping and really figure out what still needed to be done.
I’m starting to panic too. I just got a bunch of primary stuff to do too. Eck…….so much to do. So little time.
.-= angie´s last blog ..Twisted Silver Glacier Earrings =-.
I remind myself that Christmas Eve is the start (after we go to Mass) of our Christmas season (we are Catholic) and we’ve still got time before everything HAS to be done. Our tree goes up this weekend, we’ll decorate slowly over the week, the cookies start tomorrow, cards this week (by Monday the latest), and the handmade ornaments next week. Everything gets done in its time & what doesn’t get done, really no one is going to remember or care about.
What matters is not the things but the love we share in our celebration.
.-= beth aka confusedhomemaker´s last blog ..Brussel Sprouts with Maple Syrup and Bacon =-.
I know what you mean.. it feels like the time has flown by!
.-= Felicia´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Our 9 Year Anniversary! =-.
Is that your home!? WOW – so beautiful. I thought at first that it was a Christmas store, or something. That is amazing.
.-= Sara Elizabeth Bonds @ The OmniCouple´s last blog ..WordFul Wednesday: Our Christmas Tree =-.
I love that picture!! Beautiful! One of the things that is starting to hold my sanity is jogging. I’m not a jogger by nature, in fact I’m still trying to like it. However, I feel more level-headed after I’m done. And I’m not jogging just to jog, I am training for a half-marathon, so I do have a goal I’m working towards! (I don’t think I could run just to run!)
shopping early helps too!! And preferably for me, online shopping! ;-)
200 Christmas cards??? ARE YOU INSANE??? I thought my 45 was over the top!
I get through it by trying (ooooh, tryyyying) to get my shopping done early. Then, I don’t bake at all, but I gladly accept donations (ok, purchases) from the church cookie sale. It saves me time, and I still get to snack!
.-= Elizabeth´s last blog ..Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (I see a giveaway!) =-.
I totally blew off Christmas this year by moving the week before. I have the perfect excuse for not sending Christmas cards, having poor decorations, etc. But I did make the Christmas fudge and am using it to numb my brain from the shock of not doing all of the things I’m supposed to be doing.
.-= Joey´s last blog ..We’re cookin’ (with gas) now! =-.
I don’t even have all the gifts bought yet. I’m in trouble, aren’t I? P.S. I cope with chocolate… ;-P
It just hit me today that Christmas is next week. I have done nothing. Why am I always behind?
.-= Jen @ buried with children´s last blog ..Not My Best Idea =-.
Your pics are fantastic. Hope you have a great holiday season.
.-= Mary´s last blog ..It’s A Wonderful World Wednesday: Texas Christmas =-.
At some point, it just is what it is and I stop worrying. That is gorgeous!!!
.-= blueviolet´s last blog ..Tricky, Tricky – W/W Wednesday =-.
Wow, your tree and decorations are stunning. I get everything done by the first week of Christmas and relax the rest of the time.
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Day 5: 12 Pearls of Christmas: Jesus Comforts =-.
I know, everything is so rush rush this time of year. This time, I’m just going with the flow!! LOL
.-= Alicia´s last blog ..WORDFUL WEDNESDAY =-.
lol my post today was a panic one too. Must be THAT time of year :) I just run around from 7am till I crash
It’s always like this and it always turns out well, so hang in there!
.-= GrammieMommy´s last blog ..Eeeeek! Eight Days To Go =-.
I just try to keep with the spirit instead of the details. I’m concerned what schools are using to disinfect for H1N1. Cleaning supplies are often more hazardous than the H1N1virus itself. Here are some resources to help parents determine what their schools are using, and what they should be using: H1N1 in Schools and Environmental Working Group Report on Schools It all starts with asking your school how often they clean it (EVERY DAY should be the answer!).
You know everything’s going to work out. And if it doesn’t go the way you planned, your family will love you the same anyway. Your kids love you so much that if they knew what “worrying” was, they would wish you wouldn’t do it. Will you do that for them? Stop worrying, that is.
.-= Anthony´s last blog ..Having Your Kids Approach Adults =-.