Could it really be nearly a week ago that I sat around this table with my family and friends to eat this tasty meal? Thanksgiving was nice this year. I was more relaxed than I am on a typical day. Even after hours of cooking, I was relaxed and content. We have so much to…
Top Ten Recipes for Thanksgiving Leftovers
Thanksgiving dinner is one of my favorite meals of the year. I love to cook it, and I love eating it even more. And strangely, I seem to enjoy day two of Thanksgiving food even more than the first (could it possibly have something to do with the fact that I haven’t spent the entire…
It’s Official Now….
Officially the Christmas season, that is! Mama M from My Little Life has 5 Christmas-themed questions for us today. How would you answer these questions? 1. Do you do a real or fake Christmas tree? Not only do we buy a real tree every year, but it can’t be just any tree. It must be…
A Penny In the Ocean, A Penny in the Sea
Ring Around the Rosie Pocket full of posie Ashes, ashes, we all fall down! A penny in the ocean, A penny in the sea….. UP! Jumps the little fish, And UP jumps ME! Yes, I do know the story behind the old children’s song. Regardless of it’s origins, you can’t deny that it’s fun. While…
In The Spirit of Thanksgiving
This video makes me smile. I am thankful for so many things. But mostly I am thankful for a strong family, good friends, and faith in God. Those are the things that last. Those are the things that can’t be taken away by tough times. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your day.
1-2-3 Bypass
Last night, I came up to my bedroom to head to bed and found CandyMan at my computer, watching silly old videos of the kids when they were small. What memories these videos brought back! And how much my kids have changed. In this short clip, KitKat was 7, Necco was 4 1/2 (the same…
Thanks. And Giving.
I have spent much of the last few months feeling stressed. I got to the point last month where I felt like I had been dished all I could take. I was done with the stress and anxiety. As I’m sure most of you would agree, it’s tough to see blessings through the cloud of…
Five Questions
Mama M had some great questions yesterday for her Five Question Friday to ring in the holiday spirit. I know it’s Saturday already and I know I’ve already posted today….but I couldn’t help but join in. 1. Are you a Black Friday shopper? Not at all. I think I have gone out once on Black…
The Torturer
Unprompted commentary from my 4 year old son while he was brushing his teeth for bed tonight: “Mom, I used to be in your stomach. I was like a big egg. I was a big, huge torturer in your stomach. I was a torturer. And you were fat. And I kicked you in your tummy.”…
Give Me Your Best Shot – My Wolf
Wednesday is often my favorite day of the week because Wednesday is cub scouts night. I adore being the den leader. Usually. Yes, 8 year old boys can be a challenge. 8 year old boys can be noisy and fidgety. And, yes, it is really tough to manage noisy, fidgety, energetic, enthusiastic 8 year old…
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