This is what snow looks like after
1) it has sat on the road for a full week
2) on day #6, a pipe bursts, flooding the street with dirty water and clay
3) it finally gets plowed on day #7 1/2
4) and it starts snowing again
The roads are a mess.
The snow is dirty and ugly and now, it’s frozen solid enough that it scraped my car trying to squeeze in and out of a parking space at my friend’s house today.
But my parking space is clear, I can resume my life outside these 4 walls, and I am happy.
Did I mention that my kids went back to school for a half day on Tuesday? Hallelujah!
And suddenly I’m busy again. There are some advantages of being snowed in. Like being able to stay in your sweats all day….
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Yes, that could get pretty old! We are lucky to live across the street from the elementary school. I just cross my fingers that they’ll make it back and forth without breaking their legs!
Yes, keep feeling guilty.
And, yes, I do want to come visit. Next week ok?
I was very happy when the kids went back to school yesterday, although I’m hoping that eventually they’ll be able to send the school buses into our neighborhood. This driving kids back and forth to 4 different schools could get old really fast.
.-= Lara´s last blog ..Super Hard Quiz =-.
yeah doesnt look so nice when all that brown gets in there!
.-= shortmama´s last blog ..Fire in the Sky =-.
Wow, that is one huge and ugly snow pile. Glad you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel at least. I’m ready for winter to be over too.
.-= Tired Mom Tesa´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Our Olympic Moment =-.
Wanna come to CA? I posted pool pics from the weekend and my little 5mo grand was in shorts today. Of course, I feel guilty about our weather until you all thaw out.
.-= GrammieMommy´s last blog ..Baby Treat! =-.
I love your blog and I hope you don’t mind but I nominated you for the beautiful blogger award.
.-= Heidi´s last blog ..Work!?!?!? =-.
It looks so pretty when it first comes down,but it is pretty ugly especially by the roads. We have a mess around here too. I went back to work yesterday and today, but kids haven’t been back to school yet. I do miss my pj’s and sweats.
.-= Mel’s Box of Chocolates´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Sharing a Good Book =-.
Heh. I stay in my sweats when I’m NOT snowed in. :)
.-= Cecily R´s last blog ..Photo Story Friday and Hey Mom? =-.
Wow. You’re not kidding. That’s super ugly. Photo is nice though :)
That is just the strangest thing. I’ve decided that commenting systems everywhere are flawed. What do you think? I changed your info for you.
Yes, let’s count down!! Except, of course, that I will have to face the fact that I have to prepare to teach!!
Welcome to my world! haha Actually we have no snow right now. It is nice but I am sure short lived. I still can’t change my info on your comments?? It’s is weird. Anyway my new domain is and my email is And can we start counting down to May yet?? haha
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday~Morning Stretches =-.
Wow. That’s sooooo much snow! I would lose my mind if we had that much snow! The first snow is always so pretty and then after that I am done. Sweats sound like heaven right now! I’m so sleepy and can’t wait to get home. (Not that I get to sleep, but I get to change clothes and be more comfy!)
Is that a serious offer?? YES!!
That pile of snow is, ummm, stunning. And make me just a little snow sick.
Here in the high desert, we’re shoveling sunshine. Wanna come over and play? ;)
Totally. I can’t WAIT for Spring!
Yay for the kids being back to school! You guys were out a lot longer than we were!
No, it’s not bad. It sounded horrible, and I was stuck every way that I tried to go. It was one of those 26-point turns, if you know what I mean. :) It really just got the bottom runner, which is already totally bent up from a previous snow storm!
I can’t even imagine. I’ve seen the pictures and all the East Coast is dealing with and it’s just unbelievable. Here’s to a beautiful Spring, no?
.-= Katie @ Why Bother?´s last blog ..I’m Sooooo Tired…. =-.
Oh no! I didn’t know you scratched your car! Is it bad? Crazy parking lot. Just remember, park next to my car next time and just move whatever trash can is holding the spot. (I totally forgot to tell you, one of the spaces in my parking lot has a sign on it that says, “Did you spend 4 hours cleaning out this spot? No? Then get your a** out of it!” So makes me laugh!)
Hey look, snowing, AGAIN!
.-= Safire´s last blog ..Just for Fun =-.
I agree the snow has lost its charm!! Our kids finally went back to school (with a two hour delay) today for the first time since January 29th!! Bring on spring – pretty please.
.-= Char´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday – February 8 =-.
I am so done with winter!!
That sucks.
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Winter Olympics =-.
holy cow that is a lot of snow…but not pretty!
It’s a happy, happy day. :) The problem with snow is that it’s pretty for one or two days and really messy for weeks after!
Glad I’m not the only one who would rather ditch the jeans for the sweats! :)
Yes, the melt is going to be brutal. And messy.
I am laughing over the title of your latest post! LOL!
We are all happier. Believe me. :)
Yeah, you could say the novelty has worn off. And it’s not the snow that scratches per se….it’s the snow that melts a little and then refreezes. It looks like snow but it’s lethal ice! I once ran into some snow (misjudged a corner) and it completely bent the runners on my van.
It’s good to get out again, isn’t it?! We are back to meetings and appointments and lessons. Yay!
Now I’m dreading the big melt. That’s going to be a mess!
.-= Colleen´s last blog ..Not ALL yelllow snow is bad =-.
That’s pretty awesome that they are going back to school. I can just imagine your joy.
.-= Jen @ buried with children´s last blog ..Olympic Mom Proud =-.
So, I’m assuming the novelty of snow has worn off? :)
Wow, I never knew that snow could scratch!
.-= Alicia´s last blog ..I HEART FACES-"I WANNA DANCE!" =-.
UGH! It looks about that ugly here too :(
I am So so so done with all of this snow!
ps i totally hear ya on the sweats! ;)
.-= debi9kids´s last blog ..The King & Queen of the Party =-.
Oh I used to hate when the snow would get all ugly like that!
So glad the kids are back in school….for your sake!
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Tongue NOT in cheek =-.
Oh my I love that picture…?
Yeah we are pretty much over the snow here too. I am ready for it to end. More than ready.
Oooh. Except that a big crumble cake would be REALLY TASTY! Suddenly I’m hungry!
Oh yeah, not so pretty anymore. That looks like some sort of demented crumble cake topping!
.-= Michelle @ One Crafty Mama´s last blog ..WW – Things that make me smile! =-.
It’s just messy and yucky and cold and dangerous. Then it melts and we have mud. Lovely. ;)
There’s nothing worse than dirty snow!!
.-= Muthering Heights´s last blog ..A Painter By Any Other Name… =-.
That does not look like fun. I’m really, really glad it doesn’t snow here.
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..More sickness, the Olympics and Begging, Random Tuesday Thoughts =-.