My sister, Andrea, shared these pictures of my daughter Reese this week on her Facebook page. The pictures were taken late this summer while Reese was staying with Andrea for a few weeks. My kids always do the FUNNEST things when they’re with Aunt Andrea and their cousins!
PS – I totally had NO idea Reese could do a one-handed cartwheel like that! The things you learn on Facebook! lol
Oh! One more thing. Remember the goldfish from last week? I didn’t kill him. He survived 5 whole days under my care. Phew!
For more inspiring photos, check: High Impact Mom, The Bonafide Life, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Mom Blog, The Divine Miss Mommy, Colorado Moms, Rajean Blomquist and Zensible Mama and link your own photo stories.
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That’s one fun aunt! And one talented kid!
Looks like so much fun!
Wow. Just wow. The one-handed cartwheel is very impressive but so is the Olympic stage. Can she be my aunt too?
That is so awesome- look at her!!!!! I’m so impressed.
LOL! I can’t imagine doing a cartwheel anymore. Those days are long gone. ;)
Is it sad that the thought of doing a cartwheel makes me dizzy? LOL I love the Olympic medal stand.
Nice cartwheels!
Whew! Glad the goldfish survived!
Wow! The one-handed cartwheel is pretty amazing. I’m not sure I could do a regular cartwheel anymore.
So cute! I totally did this when I was little :)
So awesome.
Cool! I loved doing kartwheels as a kid too! Your daughter is so cute. :)
Toooo fun! I love the medals :) And the smiles on their faces is priceless! Great pics Lolli!
I was very impressed by the one-handed cartwheel! I don’t think I have ever been able to do that!
That is awesome! My oldest just learned how to do a one-handed cartwheel, yet I can’t get a decent photo of her doing it! Love your photos, so proud!! ;)
My Organized Chaos