Summer is long gone. School has started, swimming suits have been replaced by soccer cleats, and late nights have been traded in for early mornings.
We’ve stayed busy since school started a few weeks ago. It’s glorious.
In honor of summer officially ending (which, I admit, does make me a little sad…) and (more importantly) the Goodbye Summer, Hello Snapfish Summer Photo Contest at Parenting by Dummies, I am posting one of my favorite photo memories from this summer.
What is it about little boys and FIRE that is so fascinating? My two boys, 10 and 6, spent as much time as they could stoking the camp fire, and stayed out well into the night just watching the flames.
I think this summer was AJ’s first real experience being up close and personal with fire. He loved it.
Do your kids love fire?
PS – just to clarify, I am entering this photo into the Goodbye Summer, Hello Snapfish Summer Photo Contest and the MORE COMMENTS I get, the better chance I have of making it as a finalist. So leave me lots of comments, m’kay?
For more inspiring photos, check: 5 Minutes for Mom, High Impact Mom, The Bonafide Life, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Mom Blog, The Divine Miss Mommy, Colorado Moms, Rajean Blomquist, Brain Foggles and Zensible Mama and link your own photo stories.
Linked up to Wordful Wednesday, Wordish Wednesday, and Wordless Wednesdays all over.
Are you playing along with Wordless or Wordful Wednesday today? Link up!
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© 2011, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
This photo makes me smile. It’s so innocent. His eyes tell it all.
It’s actually several inches away from his face but the depth doesn’t show up in this picture. ;) It was much scarier when there was an actual flame. lol
Is that a firey stick in his mouth? Yikes! That scares me. :)
haha that picture is awesome!
Love that pic! And his eyes are beautiful!
He certainly looks intrigued by it :)
So funny – such a boy thing to do. I think their entire job while growing up is to make their mother’s hearts beat more quickly than they would otherwise.
Wonderful picture – my son enjoys sitting at the campfires with us when we go camping!!!
Thanks for hosting the WW linky – I just posted A Day at the Lake :)
Love the picture! We may see him someday on America’s Got Talent swallowing fire or something! Blessings to you and please visit me at and link up! I’m lonely!!!! Following you now!
Once the cooler weather starts, so does our camping season. I can’t wait!
It looks like he is eating the fire. lol
This is priceless. Boys are so funny about fire, knives and guns. Things I never thought my little boy would grow to be fascinated with, at 12 he is. I think boys are totally fascinating, but then again so are girls in a different way.
my kids are obsessed with campfires, it drives me insane
Mine’s still a little young, but he has 3 boy cousins that are occupied with a fire pit for hours!
My husband and oldest are firebugs. The invention of the modern, metal fire pit has made their lives so much more fiery! lol. Nothing stands a chance when the fire pit is lit! THanks for the chance to link up! Happy WW!
I love that intensity!
What a great picture! It almost looks like he is going to put it in his mouth like a fire eater. LOL! I am with you on the boys thing, bugs, fire, dirt… oh boys!!!
That is a great photo!!!
I love how fascinated little boys are with fire and also a little nervous since I have 2 young fellas myself.
Great pic!
LOL! Love his expression! My son is the same way with camp fires.
That is the best picture. Ever! I agree about boys and fire. My 2 year old son did not want to blow out the birthday candles because he was so interested in the flame.
Amazing how you captured the excitement on this child’s face, love it!
Oh my goodness! I absolutely thought it was in his mouth! Love!
Hot stuff :)
Wow – that is ONE summer picture! Good Luck!
Greetings from Germany
Oh wow, his face is awesome!! LOVE it!
I have a phobia of fire and I think I’d die if one of my kids did that. lol.
One of the best photos I’ve seen hands down!
The expression on his face is priceless. Great shot.
First of all, that is a great photo. Secondly, I’m sure Graham would be right there with him playing along!
Boys will be boys!
Ha ha. I love it!!
OH MY WORD that is so stinkin cute– a genuine reaction to the simple things in life :) I just love kids. My kids LOVE to make fires and roast marshmellows.
He looks so excited about it! So cute and great capture!
LOVE that expression! Great capture.
My boys all love fire as well and spent our night camping fascinated as well.
Wonderful face, but also a bit scary, hope he didn’t get burnt. I don’t think it’s a boy thing, fire is something mesmerizing, even for me. Sitting in front of a fire place and just watching and listening to the cracking is very relaxing too.
Boys DO love fire!Mine cannot stay away from the fire pit. It makes me crazy! I tell them they’ll pee to bed if they play with fire.
For I minute there I thought he was practicing to be a fire-eater! Yikes!
Then I read what you wrote and looked a little closer. Phew!
That’s a great photo! looks like it’s right in his mouth!
Love the expression too – fabulous!
My Organized chaos