Last night, I had in my mind that today was going to be Thursday, so I apologize for those of you waiting for GMYBS to be up. I’m blaming it all on the Summer. Thanks for reminding me, Allison! This week, I caught a few pictures of my kids at the pool. If you haven’t…
Cause to Celebrate – Give Me Your Best Shot
Yes, a wedding is definitely a cause to celebrate. But so is finishing editing the 2000 pictures you took at a wedding. Being the photographer at a wedding is one of the most intimate and wonderful experiences. I feel like I am reliving a little bit of my own wedding day each time I spend…
And Now I’m Washing Dishes By Hand
Last week, I was with my mom and sister and all five of my kids, enjoying the luxury of eating out every night and waking up in a hotel room every morning. Last week, I was riding on a historic train, looking out at some of the most beautiful scenery in the country, and floating…
Butterfly House – GMYBS
On our short drive to my sister’s new house near Hershey, AJ asked if Pennsylvania is where pencils are made. It has been a fun, entertaining, and incredibly hot few days here in PA. Spending hours at a time in a car together and having multiple people sharing a bedroom is a never ending supply…
Little Miss Expressive
I have a friend who has a little girl. This little girl likes to stick her tongue out and wrinkle her nose and eat wooden blocks. And she is absolutely adorable. I had so much fun taking her pictures this week. Maybe because of her milky skin or her dark, clear blue eyes. Or maybe…
Remember that beautiful pregnant mama I took pictures of a few months back? Guess what I got to do last week? Recognize those wedding rings? You’ve seen them before. I love babies. Newborns are admittedly hard to photograph, especially when they decide that they don’t want to fall asleep or sit still. But they are…
Second Cousins or First Cousins Once Removed? GMYBS
Apparently, I’ve had it wrong for years. First cousins I understood. Totally clear. My first cousins are the children of my aunts and uncles. Got it. But what about the children of my Great Aunt and Uncle, or the children of my cousins? So confusing. Guess what? I found a handy chart detailing the cousin…
Cheese, Chocolate, and Girlfriends – GMYBS
If you were following my twitter stream on Tuesday night, you might have seen me posting some messages like this: Eating an amazing meal at the Melting Pot with bloggy friends. Doesn’t get much better than this. #fonduedc The tummy is very happy. And we haven’t hit the chocolate yet. #fonduedc Getting ready for the…
Give Me Your Best Shot – PSF with the Grammie Diaries
We’ve got a super exciting edition of Give Me Your Best Shot today. Not only am I co-hosting PhotoStory Friday with My Chaos, My Bliss again this week, but I’ve got the most awesome guest poster to help me out! I’d love to introduce you to my good friend and author of the Grammie Diaries….
The Best Field Trip Ever – GMYBS and PSF
On Wednesday night, on our way home from cub scouts, Activity Days, and Young Women’s, Necco “reminded” me that I had signed up to be a chaperone for her 5th grade field trip The Next Morning. We got home at 9pm, and despite the fact that I hate calling people later, I made a quick…