I said I wasn’t going to blog today (it’s a busy day with a trip to visit some old friends after church) but I found myself with some extra time this morning, so I figured I’d link up to this week’s Chic Click Carnival. Some introductions: I am Lolli, mother of 5 kids, ages 13…
Summer is No Vacation
I don’t care what everyone else says, Summer time is no vacation. Despite the common reference to Summer being a “break,” Summer time typically turns out to be a fun but tiring time of the year for us. Instead of sleeping in and relaxing on the porch, we tend to get up early every morning…
The Nominations Are In….
…for the 2010 BlogLuxe Awards. And I have been nominated in the “Blogs I’ve Learned the Most From” category. I am shocked! And although I probably don’t stand a chance against the other amazing bloggers that are on the list, I am just happy to be included. Of course, I’d love for any votes. And,…
Top 15 Spam Comments
If you write it, they will come. The spammers, that is. As much as I dislike spam comments, I have begun to almost look forward to my daily checking of the blog spam folder. Because a handful of real comments get sent over to the spam folder by mistake, I feel compelled to read through…
Elements of a Successful Blogger
After spending last weekend soaking in the inspiring classes at the Casual Blogger Conference, I started thinking once again about my role as a blogger and what makes a blog successful (or not). I recently read two articles entitled What Makes a Successful Blogger and What are the Elements of a Successful Blogger which…
#cbc10 – Highlights of the Casual Blogger Conference
I proved to myself this weekend that I have been functioning on 85% adrenaline, because I was going strong until about an hour after my second class was over. Once I no longer had anything to anticipate or prepare for, my body (and my mind) slowly but systematically shut down. By Saturday evening, I looked…
Empowered – I Did It!
For the last several months, I have picked one of the Fishful Thinking ingredients to focus on for the month. Last month, when I found out that my dad has cancer, I was grateful to be concentrating on hope and goal setting. The timing was perfect. And now, as I took a huge step (for…
Ready, Set
Here I go…. off to the Casual Blogger Conference and my first speaking engagement x2
Silver Spring Soiree
Soiree: “an evening party,” 1793, from French soirée (from soir) “evening.” Group shot courtesy of Then Again Photography (aka Parenting by Dummies) Momzshare got together for another fabulous night of networking, chatting, and food this past weekend. Jessica McFadden of A Parent In Silver Spring hosted the event at the The Little Gym in Silver…
Parenting Positive Kids on Blog Talk Radio
Most of you know that I am one of the faculty moms with the Fishful Thinking program. Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in a Blog Talk Radio segment with Dr. Karen Reivich, talking about the results from the Parenting Positive Kids survey. I love the Fishful Thinking program and all it stands for….