Yes, it has been beyond hot in Maryland, with record highs (ok, I actually don’t know that for sure, but it surely FEELS like we’ve had record highs). But this Wordless Wednesday photo was taken in Philadelphia at the Digital Family Summit a week and a half ago when I was touring the hotel’s amazing kitchen. This chef was a doll!
For more inspiring photos, check: High Impact Mom, The Bonafide Life, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Mom Blog, The Divine Miss Mommy, Colorado Moms, Rajean Blomquist and Zensible Mama and link your own photo stories.
Linked up to Wordful Wednesday, Wordish Wednesday, and Wordless Wednesdays all over.
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I love the B/W photo. Unfortunately, my dad was in town, and I couldn’t go to the DFS.
I’m enjoying the cooler temps this week while I catch up on weeding. Running is so much more fun in the morning.
Love the pic, that angle is awesome.
Ahh the kitchen. I’d love to see how they move in there from beginning to end one day.
Cool shot
What a great shot. I love all the shiny pans & you can just tell something fantastic is being made
I LOVE Philiy I can’t wait to return there one day.
What an amazing kitchen! I love the B&W effect too. Very cool!
As always, love that pic! What a telling image!! As far as the heat, I am sad that we are leaving the almost cold moutnains today for the sweltering heat of Venice :)
What a fabulous photo!
great photo
love the photo it looks like it could have been taking in the 1960’s
Great pic. It’s hot here in Hawaii too.
What a beautiful capture! I’m always fascinated with chefs working in the kitchen!
It’s been super hot here in Florida this past week too. Is it fall yet?! :)
What a great picture! I love it.
We have been indoors a lot this week as the temps have neared 100 degrees!
Love this photo. It was hot here as well, recording setting temps.
It’s sure HOT here as well.
Great photo this week!
My Organized Chaos