This past week, I celebrated my 20th anniversary. If you follow me on social media, you’ve probably seen a post or two from me about that.
Just a few days before I celebrated my anniversary, I photographed the wedding of a close friend of mine. I’ve known her for what feels like forever (since before I had all five of my kids, that’s for sure!). As a teenager, she used to babysit for us. As a young adult, she watched my kids for a week while we went on a cruise (And she still likes us!!). I was so thrilled to be part of her day, and it made me so happy to see these two amazing people that I love finally get married.
Here are just a few shots from the wedding day (it was fun to have most of the family there, and to jump in a few of the shots with the bride and groom):
PS – It has been ages since I’ve photographed a wedding, and I was definitely out of practice. It has been SO long since I’ve even done a photo shoot. But it was so much fun to play photographer again this past weekend!
What about you? What have you been up to this week? Now it’s time for YOU to show me your best shots from this past week. Link up below and have a fantastic weekend!

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
To play Give Me Your Best Shot – Photo Story Friday, check this. Copy this code into your post and sign the link list:
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Happy anniversary! Wow, 20th. :)